

Memories We Shared (1): unknown guy
I was fourteen when I met him, he was sitting on the desk right beside of mine, with those new boys.
They were the new admission in our school. Out of the four new boys my eyes were stuck at him, at Sayan. It was the time of winter but I felt something warm in my heart. I was not able to look away from him, I wanted to know him. I wanted to be in his unfamiliar gaze.
He was friendly with everyone and over friendly with the girls. I quietly analyzed him for some days. Within one week he became friends with everyone except me probably cuz I kept my distance. but I could notice him sparing glances at me while talking to my friends. He was an open hearted boy, always smiling and making people happy who were around him. And he was cute, immature and one thing about him which used to annoy me the most that he was too much talkative.
My chidhood friend Anu, Me, Sayan and his friend Krish, the four of us had same way home so we always used come home together. One of these days when we were our way back home, I had a small accident with a car and fell from my bicycle with wounded knees. More than feeling hurt I felt embarrassed. I was trying my best to laugh it away as my friends stood there staring at me. As krish picked my cycle up Sayan came to me. He chuckled but he noticed me trembling and held me up. I clearly remember how stunned I was, how my heart paced around my ribcage to have a boy that close to me for the first time. I leaned onto him foolishly. He tilted his face and looking into my eyes, he smiled at me and said "everything's okay, I got you, Sia."
That's the first time he spoke to me and after that day we couldn't stop talking with each other.


© Night owl