

Escapism-a pondering
Why is that we always want to change certain things but cannot accept changes in our life which flow out of circumstances?
Escapism is not the most adorable behavior, however, it surely provides temporary comfort. In our world of everything temporary, right from the love, relationshis or friendships to the jobs, marriages & promises, escapism not only act as a tool to avoid accountability , but also relive you the hassle for a phase.

Saying that, i personally do not promote escapism.when i meet demons, i prefer fight rather then flight as my response.
However, for some, flight is more easy to deal with.
No, this not an essay for or against
escapism.This a deep pondering about it.
I have always believed, to each his own.To say, the behavioral equations that suits me should suit you, is like saying the pie i eat, is the pie you should like too.
Of course, life cannot be a series of free luncheons, someday sometime you will have to cook & host, for those once who fed you.
Hope you hone your cooking skills by then!

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