

Volunteer's Zeal.
"Life becomes meaningless unless"....
We don't crucify the exhibiting of a misplaced Zeal, which is a way in eclipsing mind in the proclamations of allegiance,
whether we have found the strength to
persevere through a tireless determination or some foolhardy optimism, the 365 hatch marks can be a proof of our indomitability. After all attentiveness should be measured in minutes and discipline in hours, the indomitability must be measured in years, or if philosophical investigations are not to our taste, then let us simply agree that the wise man celebrates what he can. It's said that human nature is marked by the ABSURD
which is defined as the divorce between human purposes and a world that continually thwarts and a Will and Zeal is an active force in the Universe. A philosophy which comes in this, says, that by new acts or conceptions, it can show how particular feelings may be destitute of casual efficacy without the genius, feeling as a whole becoming the sort of "ignis fatuus" and outcast which it seems to be a day to day life's occurrence.We hold that we are incurring the slighter error by still regarding our conscious selves as actively
combating each for interests in the arena and not as feebily paralytic spectators of life's game.
After all we are...CONSCIOUS AUTOMATA.

© Mishra Poonam