

"No!! Keke no!! jesus! you're just messing with me, cut it out okay,this isn't funny you know". I knew my best friend was one to play all kind of tricks on me but even then there were limits. "I am sorry gal, I really am, especially that you had to find out this way.I could have told you earlier, believe me I wanted to,I even tried but I just couldn't bring myself to". I hadn't realized that by the time she was done talking I was already trembling with ,shock,fear, confusion and anger gradually creeping in.How could I fathom all that?

Keke and I had been inseparable ever since childhood,we had even gone to highschool together.Despite our diverse personalities she and I shared a special bond.Our friendship had always been defined as womb to tomb by our kin.She was more outgoing,gutsy and "crazy" while I was reserved and assertive.Often times she would force me out of my comfort zone and drag me to social events and gatherings and even though they weren't my cup of tea, I was pleased to accompany her whenever she needed it.Little had I known that one day I would have to pay dearly for being at her beck and call and I just had.

"Lu,are you still there? Lulu!" I was brought back to consciousness by the shouting on the other end of the line,and by this I nearly dropped my mobile phone but I managed to somehow maintain composure. "If all this is true then,how could you do this to me Keke?you are my best friend? No! I don't buy this. Why are you playing such nasty pranks on me, today isn't April fool's,you know I check with my calendar." "Lu I'm sorry , I really am but I'm telling you the truth, I was involved.
"Why? why did you do it? why would you scheme something so hideous?" "I didn't know it would turn out that way though,you don't know how much guilt I have carried inside ever since". "It doesn't make sense to me, tell me everything, I need to know, I need to understand",I demanded.
"It all began when you received that email about your scholarship application for university ,that it had been accepted and you would be moving to the states.I didn't want to admit it but deep down I felt abit envious.You had been the perfect girl, with a perfect life, school was easy for you,you got "perfect" grades and now had been accepted in one of the best universities abroad and would probably later on get a perfect job, get perfect husband and raise perfect children.Then what would be left of me? you'd forget me and my crazy & messed up life and cut me off, that's what I thought". "What? Keke you tho...."
She didn't let me finish .

"So when Jim approached me about inviting you to Tony's party,he and I made a deal.He told me how much he was into you and how you'd been playing hard to get with him but he knew it was just a matter of time and you'd be all his.All I had to do was convince you into coming with me to the party. I knew with all that was in your hands you couldn't afford to be distracted but still I made you do it. I even told you how you needed to loosen up abit when you insisted on taking a coke instead of alcohol until you agreed on having just a glass of whiskey remember? Then Jim called me aside for a bit and that's when he handed it to me.He promised me that it was all meant to make you relax, So when you went to say hi to Bob & Nadia, you made me hold your drink.I knew you had every intention to hold on to that one glass throughout the party and that's when I had the perfect opportunity to spike in just a bit of that stuff. You came back, I made a toast,you made as if to take a small sip and I forced in a big gulp down your throat and just like Jim had predicted, it didn't take you long enough to "loosen up" .

"Oh my god!! Ki...wait and that's the last bit of what I remember from that night, and the part where you told me you had spotted your boyfriend Malika at the bar and want to go over to him and have him order in more drinks for us,you never came back." "Yeah he was abit more wasted when he came in, told me that he needed me to go home with him, that or he'd find himself some other company.I told him that I atleast had to come and bid you bye and as I was about to, I bumped into Jim and he told me not to bother ,that he'd take good care of you.Looking over my shoulder I saw you already dancing with some guy and knew you'd be fine so I left." "I don't remember what else happened soon after you left Keke except for waking up the next morning in that strange room of that cheap motel feeling really terrible and with the photos and videos on the internet... my god! what did you do?? you ruined my life!! Three dudes Keke, I fucking slept with three guys on the same night, I've always wondered how in the world did I get wasted that much on just a glass of whiskey and now you're telling me that you mastermind it all?"

"Not so Lu, not all of it.Believe me I had no idea things would escalate like that, I swear that wasn't part of the plan.I found out all about that bit through the media.I knew you'd probably end up in Jim's bed,I didn't know he had other ideas, I am so sorry". "You're sorry?what do you want from me? my forgiveness? after ruining my whole life, you know that scandal costed me my scholarship, and my family and I haven't been in good terms since then,you watched me go through all that Keke and now you're sorry? oh you'll be sorry! and I upon saying that I hang up the phone.

I was raging mad ,my heart beating out of my chest.I needed to breathe, I needed to cool off, I needed to think ,I needed to take action. I took my pillow,covered my face and let out a scream then I broke down.

© Sherri_Wisdom