

Love thoughts🥰
And then when you think you'll never change, that's exactly what happens to you. In the context of bad or good, that is, what fate thinks of you. Again, rumors say who you are with. It can also bring about a change depending on the inner part of you or the person you meet and how it can affect that. And then I met him. I can only talk about him for days, minutes, annoying and mentioning the same beloved name. I can't and don't want to change that. The very thought of him brightens my day, my feelings, the stories themselves and our adventures bring a smile to my face, with him I want to experience everything and what I am afraid of and what I am not. Although when I'm with him I'm not afraid of anything. I never did. He gives me that strength. But if I was afraid of losing him, there is nothing worse; and there was a fear of hating me or finding another. You think you have no time or nothing to be afraid of, but in time you find stronger sides so that fear does not overwhelm you and overcome you. With him, I learned what true love should look like, be preserved and strengthen day by day. From the first look, to the first kiss, from the first hug, holding the hand, from the first touch, from the first sigh, I am his. Sleeping next to a loved one, your heart beats calmer on the one hand and jumps with happiness, while on the other hand, with excitement and zeal, he skips beats knowing that he is hugging me. That back-to-back touch, that feeling of fulfillment with the whole being, you have to feel it all and indulge, it has to happen to you to better understand, it’s hard to describe such magical extraordinary moments. Emotions never flow enough. It is nice to fantasize about the present and the future. To have your goal, what you want, when you want to get married, to have your first child, to have a dog or maybe a car. But we'll see what time brings. And so will we. You don't know what can happen from today to tomorrow, let alone after a long period of time. Love and sacrifice for the loved one are important, of course the key to trust at a distance or close, because if the person you adore can't believe you, ask yourself who can and fix it. And love must grow and grow from flower to day. ” translate:)
I onda kada pomisliš da se nikada nećeš promeniti,baš to ti se dogodi. U kontekstu lošeg ili dobrog,odnosno šta ti sudbina smišlja.Opet glasine kažu sa kim si takav si. Može i to da donese tvojoj promeni u zavisnosti od samog unutrašnjeg dela tebe ili osobu koju upoznaš i kako ona može uticati na to. I onda sam upoznala njega. Samo o njemu mogu pričati danima,minutima,dosađivajući i spominjajući jedno te isto voljeno ime. To ne mogu i ne želim da menjam. Sama pomisao na njega mi ulepšava dan, osećanja, same priče i naše dogodovštine izmame osmeh na lice, sa njim želim da doživim sve i ono čega me strah i čega nije. Mada kada sam sa njim ja se ničega ne bojim. Nikada i nisam. On mi daje tu snagu neku. Ali da bojala sam se da ga ne izgubim od toga goreg nema; i postojao je strah da me zamrzi ili da pronađe drugu. Pomisliš da nemaš koga ili čega da se plašiš ali vremenom pronađi jače strane da te strah ne preovlada i ne pobedi. Sa njim sam naučila kako prava pravcata ljubav treba da izgleda,da se čuva i da jača iz dana u dan. Od prvog pogleda,do prvog poljubca,od prvog zagrljaja,držanja za ruku,od prvog dodira,od prvog uzdaha,ja sam njegova. Spavati pored voljene osobe,srce ti kuca mirnije sa jedne strane i skače od sreće,dok sa druge strane od ushićenosti i žara preskače otkucaje znajući da me on grli. Taj dodir leđa uz leđa,taj osećaj ispunjenosti celim bićem,sve to moraš osetiti i prepustiti se ,mora da ti se dogodi da bi bolje razumeo ,teško je opisati takve čarobne izuzetne momente. Izliva emocia nikada dosta. Lepo je maštati o sadašnjosti a bome i u budućnosti. Da imaš svoj cilj,šta želiš,kada želiš da se udaš,da rodiš prvo dete,da imaš psa ili možda auto. Al videćemo šta vreme donosi. A bome i mi sami. Ne znaš šta može biti od danas od sutra a kamoli posle dužeg vremenskog perioda. Bitna je sama ljubav i žrtva za voljenu osobu , naravno ključnost poverenja na daljinu ili blizinu jer ako ti osoba koju obožavaš ne može verovati zapitajte se ko onda može i popravite to. A ljubav mora da raste i raste iz cveta u dana u dan.😊