

Jake saw Javena kissing the cheeks of very happy Lily whom he haven't saw this much happy. Viyo came to the scene and said to Jake to go home as Lily asked him to say to Jake.

Jake ( in fuming anger ): Okay, I'll deal this later. Got things to do at home.
Viyo: See yaa
Jake ( happy ): I can smell both jealously and love in the air. Hmm..... let's see what happens next.
Jake ( Angry ): Enjoy your sweet time with her Lily. You will come to me in the end only.

( Few seconds later )

Lily ( a bit cold ): Javena you go home and take rest your work is going to start from tomorrow. And Viyo you also. I'll see you both tomorrow.
Viyo : Okay then see you both tomorrow.
Javena : Yeah see ya both tomorrow.

( Later that night )

Lily ( angry ): What do you mean that you broke your leg and can't come tomorrow.
Jake ( sigh ): I just broke my leg.
Lily ( sighing ): And may I know how?
Jake ( screaming ): AHHH IT HURTS!!!
Lily ( worried ): Okay wait I am coming there with Viyo.
Jake ( begging ): No please only you.
Lily ( sighing ): Okay
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