

"If I could I would never leave this place" She whispered, her Fingers playing with his while they were standing on the Bridge together. Staring down into the cold and deep water below them while the Moon was the only light they needed to see."Do you remember when we used to stand here for hours and hours, talking about everything and nothing while our Parents were worried sick that we might have just ran off together" she added, smiling at the memories that came running back and filled her stomach with warm butterfly feelings of pure love and joy. She remembered how free she had felt with every breath that she took, with him on her side he had never felt Cold or alone."Of course I remember, I got into so much trouble because of that... but I still continued" He whispered back, not wanting to break the Silence although he also wanted to answer her. It was always like that, they couldn't count how many times they had already ran off into the Sunset, going onto their Bridge no matter what day or time it was "Do you think we could just stay here this time?" She asked him softly, her Eyes scanning over his Face, over his little details that made him so unique and beautiful "I don't think we should do that. We can come back here tomorrow, sleeping on a Bridge isn't the best idea... isn't It?"
He told her which made her a little Upset, she really wanted to stay, It was their little place. It was kind of funny to think about that this is where it all began, Its been 4 years since He accidentally drove his motorcycle into her car luckily only leaving a scratch while none of them got hurted and since then she had become strong feelings for him, those kind of feeling that she was sure she could only feel one time for one Person.
This insane Butterfly feeling that you couldn't compare to anything else. It wasn't a huge surprise that they started dating only 2 Weeks after that "Do you ever regret It?" He asked her softly, ripping her out of her thoughts as she looked back at him again "Regret what?" She asked because she wasn't sure what he meant but instead of answering her he just pointed his finger to the flowers and candles that were standing next to them, two pictures leaning against the metal of the bars that kept them from falling into the water. Two pictures of their face, only visible because of the candle light that was somehow unbothered by the cold wind "No... I don't regret it." She whispered, her eyes flying over the things that their relatives had put down to remember them in some way "I don't regret it because now I get to be with you." She then whispered and turned back to him, his expression seemed a bit worried as he softly laid one arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him "Let's go... We'll come back tomorrow, I promise" He said and she nodded softly, following him where he wanted to go. Just like she did on that one night. That one night they became what they were now. Forever Together.
© ash_loner🌸