

A Tale of Two Twins (Lucifer)
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

Let me tell you a tale about two twins who lived in times of horror, bloodlust, and power. These two twins held the names Lucifer and Azreal.
Im am Lucifer and this is my tale.

My name is Lucifer Andilet. I have a twin brother by the name of Azreal Andilet. An...annoying twin brother. So abnoxious and lazy. Always, "You need to have more fun Luci." and "Stop working so much." or "You need a girlfriend Luci." what a waste of time. And that damned thing he calls me, Luci. He knows I hate that God forsaken name so childish!
However, I digress. I still haven't properly introduced myself. As you know my name is Lucifer, I'm sure most of you understand what that means. I am 6ft 1. I have studious black hair, the yellow eyes of my father, and I am the 6th Lord of Shadows. Which means I can use every shadow to my advantage, which I will get into later.

Me and my brother weren't named until ten minutes after our birth. If you want to get technical my brother is slightly older than me, we were exactly 1 minute and 3.6 seconds apart. We weren't exactly apart either I was gripping his leg tightly as he came out cleanly. I suppose I was trying to claw my way out of darkness.. When I was born I did extensive damage upon my mother. I unknowingly clawed at her insides and her body as I torn me way out still clinging to my brother.

Usually demon spawn claw through their mothers like paper leaving nothing but a torn carcass. Being half demon, I still clawed at her yet the damage was not as catastrophic. Nevertheless I was the main cause of her death, exactly 1 hour and 32 minutes later. The others tried to treat her. However there was no way to undo the deadly damage I inflicted upon the sweetest and kindest woman I'd ever met.

I regret the fact she wanted my father to keep me instead of throwing me to the cannibals. I regret being born at all for this reason. I hate my life and I hate myself with a vengence. The pain I feel every single day that I wake up is terrible. Every time I wake up to my world again I can help but want to cry, sometimes I do. I like to imagine my brother needs me, and I should stay alive for him, but who knows really if he needs me or if he does better on his own?

My brother had better abilities than me, being basically an angel of death, but a demon. If you can understand that. You see he guides the souls of the recently deceased and guides them to wherever they need to go. Whether they are sinners or saints he always guides them with kindness and tries to explain everything. I imagine his first job was a very delicate case.

When my mother couldn't fight anymore, she reached for us one last time kissing her kin on the foreheads. She gave one last weak killer smile to my basted of a father. Then her life was lost never to be brought back, no matter how hard I try...
My hero brother touched my mother's forehead and freed her soul. Lucky bastard. He got to see her and talk to her and hear her velvety voice one last time.

If I got the lucky straw...If I was able to free my mother. My life would be a tiny bit worth living.

So you see I was named Lucifer as a punishment. A another weight to bear on my shoulders. A constant reminder of what my greatest sin was.

Maybe the nickname Luci...isn't so bad...

To be continued.
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