

Bob Nd' Alicia
He fell for her the moment he saw her at the ____bank______. Bob then claimed he needed to meet her. At once he said to his gate keeper "I must meet that woman". His gate keeper walked over to the woman and kindly introduced himself and claimed that his boss Bob would like to accompany her for dinner this evening. The woman looked in awe and love struck when she saw Bob. So she said "Yes what time?". The gate keeper then simply walked her over to the gentleman. And in two words he made her laugh in seconds. "I'm Bob". After she got done laughing she exclaimed that his gate keeper already told her that and her name was Alicia. And Bob said "Yes I'm sure perhaps he had but I wanted to introduce myself since we've never met before but since we have properly introduced ourselves where would you like to eat for dinner tonight, I'm open to anything?" Alicia began to speak but her phone started to ring and she looked at the screen and ignored it because it was her best friend Dilly bugging her about money she owes him for buying a car and paying it off all in one day. She wasn't a gold digger but she was hoping this kind gentleman Bob would wed her with him and his cash! "Everything alright?" asked Bob. "Yes everything is alright I just owe my best friend Dilly some money and I have to bring it to him that's why I stopped at the bank". "Ahhh, if you must know I can always drive you to him" replied Bob. Alicia began to spoke "Yes that would be wonder..." Then her phone started to ring again. "I'm sorry Bob but I'm going to take this real quickly" Said Alicia. "As you wish madam" said Bob. Alicia answered the phone and Dilly was pissed why haven't you answered? "I need my money!!!" proclamation Dilly. Alicia said "Yes I know Im coming to bring it to you now." So Bob and Alicia left to go bring Dilly his money and then off to dinner at "Subs For Riches". As they pulled up to "Subs Fr Riches" Alicia added that she should have changed for such a "significant place". Bob told her she looked fine in what she was in. When they sat down to order there were so many choices that Alicia could not decide so Bob was asked "Suprize me!?" Bob exclaimed "Yes I may surprise you." Bob ordered the "White Crale Lobster With Oysters and Crab Rolls on the side" And Alicia had this wind of devine flabbergast wash over her face. She was very impressed with his choice. She was thinking about marrying him already. The food arrived and Bob was like "I hope you dont mind but I ordered the same thing for myself since it sounded so good!" "Of course" said Alicia. Bob was so delighted to have her and they talked and laughed and had a great time a dinner. After dinner was over Bob had his gate keeper assist her to the Limo and shut it so he could have a word with him. "I would like her to accompany accompany me to my hot tub but I don't want her to say no what do I do?" Asked Bob. "I will ask Herr so Devine she won't say no sir" said the gate keeper. Soo the gate keeper opened the limo door and asked "Bob would like you to assitently come to his hot tub this evening would you like to join?" "Um...I don't own a bathing suit" so Alicia. So the gate keeper told Bob that she didn't have a suit and Bob told him that the store in his house had bathing suits. So the gate keeper told Alicia that Bob would assist her with one. So Bob and Alicia ride back to his house and Alicia nearly passed out when she saw the place. "I've never seen anything so beautiful!" said Alicia. "Ahh yes this ol thing? That's nothing compared to the inside " Said Bob. So Alcia and Bob walk inside and Alicia nearly fell to the floor when she saw the inside. "6 floors, 15 bathrooms, 25 bedrooms, 5 kitchens and 5 living rooms, 3 game rooms and 2 elevators. With a big fountain in the front and a giant store on the side with everything in it" said Bob. "In the store is where you can pick out your jacuzzi suit and the gate keeper Sam is his name by the way will assist you to a changing room". Alicia goes into the store and it took her fifteen mins to find the bathing suit department and the department was "SO HUGE!" she said. She didn't know what to choose so Bob came to help her decide and she finally tried one on and decided she wanted that one. it was a black silk laced bathing suit with wings. So Bob paid for it and they went to the jacuzzi and hoped in...Like for part two
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