

the third person narrative
so recently I have been asking friends to talk about themselves using the third person narrative and guess what, words like 'i' and 'me' and 'my' kept coming up. some even went on to tell me about their town, state, country and others... laughable yes. but then these are parts of them.

the reason I asked was to place them in a position to see themselves, to really see themselves as others will see them, with the reasons set in motion, it was easy to sort my result, I realized that some have nothing to say about themselves aside family, hobbies, religion, and career. in fact no purpose, some didn't even remember one or two of the above listed, with these I drew my conclusions that some may not want to be boostful while others don't know how to answer the question. all in all they all haven't taken time to befriend themselves, they also are yet to bound with their inner 'self,' they may not know what makes them genuinely emotional. they simply move with the crowd easy prey for peer pressure right?

these little research made me dig out the interest of some of my friends as to whether they are introverted or extroverted, it turned out that about 90% of them are ambiverts.

now if you were asked the same question what will your response be. tell me in the comments section.

ps. tell me about yourself using third person narrative 😉