

I Just Remembered This...
So one time I had gone to youth leadership camp, and while at that camp, the hosts needed help with posters designs, and they reached out, asked if anyone knew how to design a poster.

Being a daring person that I am, I offered to help since I know a thing or two in graphic designs.

So I went to my room, spent the entire night designing these three posters, and then got up early to catch up the programs.

I gave the hosts the posters and seemed well received with a bit of adjustments here and there and I left.

But what hit me was I never saw those posters being displayed anywhere till I left the camp, and instead I saw different posters!

What did I got from this?

Exactly! Life presented me an opportunity to be myself, to design something, but someone failed to appreciate it.

Now it is completely up to me to decide to continue being me, helping people and designing life or to quit and never help anyone else next time.

You see, as we go through journey of life, who you are is what will guide you through life not how people treat u.

People will never appreciate you or your effort the same, people will discourage you especially those you call leaders, family, loved ones, and just those you consider important.

It is one thing you seeing them important and it is completely another thing them considering you important.

So instead of spending so much time pitting value on people, why not out value on yourself?

Why not give life your best no matter how it will be returned to you?

Like myself, my work was never considered good enough, but I gave it my all, sleepless night and time, but guess what, it never got displayed.

Not every effort you give in life will be displayed, and celebrated, some with the familes we look after, some with friends we gove so much to, some with relationships we inveat alot in, some with our own kids and partners and workers and you name it... and it is very okay.

Why is it okay?

Because when we choose to live, we choose to live for US not THEM!

When we choose to give life our best, we do it for US not THEM!

Do anything and everything because it I'd life you are giving to not the one you see infront of you.

That way you will be free, free to love, free to give and free to be happily yourself no matter the outcome.

I just remembered that and wanted to share it to encourage someone out there... When you choose to live, give, love, laugh, and do anything in life, DO IT FOR YOU AND NOT THEM, AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL!
