

An Unexpected Journey To Wonderland
This man and his dog, they were walking through the forest.
He had eaten a mushroom the size of his pointer finger for philosophical insight as he walked and thought.
He didn't expect to fall down a rabbit hole this time, but that's where he went.
Deeper than he'd ever been.
As he walked thinking, strong sudden anxiety gripped him.
He closed his eyes tightly to see with his mind and he realized he had fell down the hole.
He saw large cobras with eyes blinking unseen vibrant colors snapping at him as he walked.
'Holy shit, right now?', he said aloud to himself.
Opening his eyes, he carved his own trail into the deep forest and found a log to sit upon where he would not be bothered.
Taking his jacket off, he removed his shirt from his torso and blindfolded himself, sitting on the log in his shorts. This is what he saw:
He began as he walked through a desert, with a first person perspective, the curves and dunes in the sand turned into large cobras that snapped toward his face by the dozens. Vibrant violets greens and unnamed colors flashed madly in their eyes.
As he strode forth unflinching, he passed temple structures that passed quickly on his left, and he could now see his skin was of a deep tan and was naked except for 2 gold cuff bracelets on his wrists.
The left having the Eye Of Horus symbol on it, the right being of a smooth featureless bracelet of a smaller width.
The Eye of Horus flashed sporadically in the sky.
He continued quickly passing these different columned temples as the pyramids came into view, the dunes before his feet still forming snakes that struck at his face.
He prayed out loud to the creator and asked to be shown love on this journey.
The cobras, pyramids, and desert immediately vanished and was no longer in a body.
Instead, an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu came over him as he saw something that appeared as sunlight shimmering in crystal clear water, seen from below.
He marveled at this shimmer and felt peace sweep over him.
Chaos emerged and the tranquil shimmer evaporated.
Chaos, unexplainable in words ensued,
Bright colors striping and blinking on the ripping and reforming membranous fabric that surrounded him.
He then went through a geometrically sectioned tunnel system that wound and twisted.
He came to a large illusory room.
The illusion of walls and a ceiling were formed by an endless amount of hallways, who's dividers were patterned black, white.
In the middle of this space was a glowing porcelain white humanoid being that had no hair and was very childlike in appearance, seemed to have no gender and having a wide head and bright yellow lights for eyes.
It levitated in the middle of the space in a crosslegged meditation position.
Floating over the lap of this being it was guiding with its hands, without contact, a large off white trapezoid (diamond) which rotated and spun having many round holes punched through it.
Rotating and spinning in the opposite direction were onyx colored spheres which went through the holes in the trapezoid, redirecting in and out different hole with each rotation.
This was abruptly cut off and switch to what seemed to be the what seemed to be the forest he physically sat in. It was dim and saw in front of him what looked like a giant bee, as big as a van.
The bee had short fur on it and seemed to have no head.
He stared at this creature and noticed 2 verticle rows of 8 slightly open flaps that resembled gills or vent grates on what would be it's forehead.
They then opened up all the way with an excited 'hey!' expression and he could see they were it's eyes and ears, on each eye/ear, where skin would be, were 3 fleurescent crescent shaped pupil, each eye having a green, magenta, and some other color indescribable.
Immediately, I recognized it and a I was overwhelmed with joy and comfort.
He felt a sense of familiarity and love with this creature and stared in admiration for about an hour and a half as it flew around through the trees and around him.
Always staying within the fogged geometric dome he saw around him which measured at least 30 yards in each direction.
He watched the creature watching always it's surroundings with its eyes and ears which worked like the pointing ears of a dog or cat, yet suavedly moved them in all directions at once. Also having a a vicious looking stinger that was black and yellow like sulfur.
'Is this what stands guard over me?', he thought.
He watched as it got further away high in a tree, that it glowed a tight aura of all colors.
The vision dissolved as flames burned brightly,
He realized he was looking at a burning city.
Wrapped around the burning city was a smooth periwinkle colored skinned serpent body.
Then from the burning city, the head of the serpent approached him, but stayed distant, it's head was the body of a blue skinned man, which wore a turban with a green gem on his forehead, a golden hemmed crimson vest, and round shaped sunglasses and was lifted high above by it's body that stayed wrapped around the city, in a cross armed pose. Staring silently without movement.
After a time of tense staring this vision disapated and he took his blindfold off, feeling overjoyed and comforted as he sat in awe.

This happened over 5 hours on Feb. 11th
© Sebastian Grey