

The Last Sang V
It had been a week now since the cabin and I still had no idea where we were going. I always just followed Loki's lead and never really asked questions. He kept telling me I had potential and still even after spending a week together I have no idea what he means by that.
We walked on down a dark dirt road lined by trees and wilderness. The moon was still young and did not light up the night very bright at all. I knew every step we took was a step closer to danger but for some reason I felt perfectly safe with him.
"Where are we even going?" I finally asked as I walked along beside him.
"Took you this long to ask?" he said answering my question with a question.
"I suppose so, but my question was where are we going?" I asked again.
"The epicenter of it all, that is where we are going." he answered.
"Where is that?" I asked confused.
"New York City." he answered.
"We are over a hundred miles from New York!" I gasped.
"I didn't say we were walking the whole way now did I." he smirked as he motioned to a vacant used car lot.
It was the dead of night and there was nobody around for miles. The car lot was packed to the brim with various cars and I knew what he was thinking.
"We are so not stealing a car." I said looking at him in disbelief.
"You have a better idea, do you?" he asked sarcasically grabbing my arm and pulling me to the car lot.
I was drawn to a very discreet black crossover but when I turned to find Loki he was missing. I carefully made my way around the lot looking for him. Finally I rounded the corner to where they keep the really flashy cars and there he was. He was drooling over a shiny black Jaguar E-Type and I just shook my head.
"Of course you would try the most expensive car on the lot." I joked as I approached him.
"Not just try, but succeed." he explained as he popped the lock on the driver side door.
"What about keys?" I asked.
"Don't need them." he answered crawling under the driver side dash and removing a panel.
"You know how to hotwire a car?" I aske.
"One of my many hidden talents." he teased as he touched two wires together starting the engine immediately.
"I can't believe we are actually about to take the best car on the lot and hope they don't notice." I laughed getting in the passenger seat.
He spun the tires kicking up dust as he left. We were so close yet so far away, but our journey had barely begun.
After a few days of travelling we really got to know each other, and I could honestly say he was no longer a responcibility but a friend. It was a dark task at hand but we seemed to make the best of a bad situation. We were driving peacefully not a car on the road when red and blue lights flashed behind us.
"Shit." Loki said as he squinted at the rearview mirror.
"What do you mean shit? Shit does not sound like a promising reaction." I said becoming panicked.
We had been travelling in a stolen car for miles I never even stopped to think about police. The second he ran our stolen lisence plate he would know, and that begged the question did he already know?
"You feeling up for a run?" he asked as the cop hit his siren quickly as a warning.
"Do I have a choice?" I asked as he started slowing down.
"Yeah, run or go to jail." he answered putting the car in park on the side of the road and bolting lightning fast for the woods.
I quickly hopped out of the car and followed behind him. He was so much older and faster than me it was hard to keep up and know where he was going. It didn't take long before I tripped on a tree root and lost him for real. My skirt caught the tree creating a split down the side of the fabric.
"Dammit!" I exclaimed as I rose to my feet wiping the dirt from my knees.
"Who is out there?" a hoarse voice called hidden by tree cover and I froze, "Hello, if your still there please help me." The voice called out again choking on a dry cough.
I froze and hid behind the tree frightened as I heard twigs snapping and leaves crunching nearby. One part of me wanted to get out there and help but the other part was too afraid to move. I thought about my mother and wondered what she would do and with that in mind I emerged from my hiding place.
"I'm over here!" I called out to the voice and I heard the movement stop abruptly. "Hello?" I called out after a moment of silence and just as I did the rustling began again with a force, someone was running at me.
My heart began to pound hard beneath my skin and I turned to run away. I ran as fast as I could not looking back as I could feel their presence right on my heels.
I was more afraid than I had ever been in all of my existence when suddenly the second set of feet stopped. I kept on running for a few moments after the second set of feet had stopped. Finally I stopped just up under an old weeping willow to rest and catch my breath. I slid down beneath the tree finally feeling safe when something grabbed me.
"Jezebel calm down!" Loki said firmly as I fought his grasp.
"How did you find me?" I asked as I settled down.
"I followed your scent, fear gives off a pretty potent scent." he explained, "You need to be more careful."
"You ran off on me, what did you expect me to do?" I argued.
"Not get yourself lost." he rebutted helping me to my feet.
"Well if you didn't run off I wouldn't be lost." I argued some more.
Before he could say anything I felt hands on my shoulders and in the blink of an eye I was being dragged up that old tree. The branches snapped harshly against my skin scratching me to the point of drawing blood. I healed as quickly as I was scratched but that didn't make it hurt any less.
I squinted my eyes to protect them from the flying dubree as I looked up to see the hideous beast. I was panicking and I didn't know what I was doing when I began acting on instinct. I grabbed hold of the base of the tree stopping the monster in its path. It turned to face me skinless with flaming red eyes and black claws like daggers.
It let out a blood curdling scream exposing a mouth full of hideous blood soaked fangs. I quickly grabbed hold of the branch it was perched on and pulled it snapping it right off the tree and sending the infected beast spiraling to the ground.
I slid down the tree behind it as Loki grabbed the broken branch and plunged it through the beasts heart. The hideous thing let out one last screech before it turned into nothing but a puddle of blood.
"What the serious shit." I said wiping blood from my eyes and off my cleveage.
"Your welcome." he replied shaking blood off his hands.