

the immortals
It happened one December when the snow had just taken leave. It went as quick as it came this December snow that makes the village white and pouring from the clouds makes everyone cold.
One of these days in this December close to Christmas a fairy rose from her bed and waved her arms at the sun, which came over sea and land like a giant on a yellow horizon.
She saw the children playing and ate a few crumbs of bread which lay on the floor from the night before when a party had been loud and long.
She finished the few morsals then jumped with joy when she saw that the little girl had awoken.
The little girl was living in the house with her mum and dad. The fairy loved this family. And every time she could do a small service she did with a radiant smile.
And year after year this continued until the little grew into a young woman. But the fairy grew sad because the young woman found herself a job which took her from the house and out into the world.
So one day the fairy decided to jump into the bag of the young woman and when she rose to travel to work the fairy went along.
But the fairy was very scared by the noises of the work place. So scared that she started to fly back home.
But the journey was longer than she thought and soon the fairy was lost.
Later that day the young woman returned home and ofcourse not knowing of the fairy's existence she thought nothing that the fairy was not there.
The fairy was miles away in the North and could not find her way home.
Then one day in despair she came across a pool and thought what a joy it might be to drown.
But then she saw something in a tree.
And in the tree there was something. A pair of eyes which now and then blinked from the darkness of the leaves.
Then out of the darkness there came someone who completely amazed the fairy.
You see the fairy thought she was the only one of her kind since she'd lived in that house for generation after generation. Humans came and went. But the fairy kept going when each child grew up and became an adult and then sadly passed away.
So out of the tree there came a fairy and the fairy of our story felt a strange feeling inside. She saw that the fairy from the tree was not quite like her.
She was taller and about her face was a kind of wool which she couldn't quite understand.
Then the fairy from the tree spoke. She said how ya doing petal? I'm Ralph and I live in that tree and have done all my life.
What are you doing here so far from home?
The fairy looked puzzled and said how do you know I'm far from home?
The tree fairy said because that was at one time my home too. And believe me Sophie I remember you.
So now we know that the fairy of our story is called Sophie thanks to the tree fairy who we know is Ralph.
Sophie said but who are you? You know me ? How?
Then Ralph said I know you because you are my sister and I am your brother.
Sophie was in great doubt and said but how do you know these things?
And Ralph said because I have loved you all my life and I came to watch you through the window as you went about your daily life.
Sophie looked at him and felt annoyed. She said so you've been spying on your sister? That is not good at all. At times I am undressed . So tell me what have you got to say about that?
Ralph looked embarrassed and said OK I admit I watched you undress and I saw you wash in the shower.
Sophie let out a gasp and began to turn to run away.
She said you've been stalking me all my life and that's a terrible thing to do.
Ralph said yes I agree but I can not help loving you so much. I'll take you back home. I know the way.
Sophie nodded then said yes you will you owe me that much after spying on me.
So Ralph took her home , they flew over the fields and landed in the bedroom of the young woman who by now was sleeping.
And Ralph said I will go now and I'm sorry for my confession. I regret my behaviour and I will go.
Sophie said good and goodbye and Ralph flew away across the fields back to the tree.
Sophie could not get him out of her mind and after a few weeks longed to see him again since afterall he was not only a fairy like her but her brother and her brother who loved her.
So one day she decided to go and look for him but soon as happened before she was lost and sank into despair.
She called his name over and over again until her voice was a high pitched scream.
But Ralph did not come.
Then after another few days Sophie lost the will to carry on. She realised she loved him too. She loved him from the moment he appeared from the tree.
She went to a bridge and leaped into the pool. Then sank into the deep since life seemed completely without hope.
She let the water into her lungs and knew she was drowning.
But then she noticed that she was not drowning at all. She was breathing and under the water.
So in the end she thought well I'd might aswell return to the top and think about this with wonder.
And then there came a voice and the voice was Ralph.
He laughed and said hello there petal.
Sophie grew angry and told him to get lost.
But Ralph laughed even more.
You thought you could drown my darling girl? You can't drown you fool you're immortal.