

lustful passion 1
It was summer and my parents taught it would be good for us to go enjoy life, and for me to meet friends so we went to a place ,they called kings villa it was a retreat island, with lots to see and places to be, reaching the retreat I saw my dad best and his son, they looked right at us and smile and I taught to myself, here goes a perfect happy summer, I could not stand him, and he could not stand me, so we both hated each other, to make matters worse they were right across from us, i could not win no matter what, so i got in my room changed and decided to do some site seeing, i taught ,i would go far out in the woods to the forest there I will have peace and quiet, not knowing i was being followed by my worse enemy by the way his name is Paul, so as i walked and walked, I saw smoke in the distance so curious i taught i would go see what it was, just as i was about to walk off i felt someone hold my hand and said let's go back, he was the one person i didn't want to see ,why i chose to go so far not to see him, i pulled my hand away and went towards the smoke, i saw 4 men very tall and huge, they had a smaller man tied to the tree, and i stood silently and watch, his clothes was dirty as if he fell in mud and they were hitting him over they kept asking, where is it, has he reply "I don't know he says" and in the blink of on eye i heard a loud sound that made me close my eyes and my ears, i open my eyes only to see that the small stranger was dead, and now i had to get out of there just as i stepped to move, Paul stepped on a tree branch and now they new they were not alone, now me being a witness, we had to run, so we started to run, now we're being chased, we don't where we are or where to go these men are dangerous and we have to get away, by not paying attention because we kept running and looking back we slide down a hill in the mud, and he held my hand and we ran, we didn't hear them behind us i was tired, and thrusty, so after running for hours, we finally stop because they didn't know where we went, felt a burning on my foot it was bleeding, and Paul rip my dress the end of it and use it to the my leg to stop the bleeding, he looked at me and said Ali why did you come all this way to avoid me, not because we are not friends and do see eye to eye what happened to us we were gold friends growing what changed, just as he said this,. we heard heavy load footstep coming towards us so we hid behind a tree, it was them he looked down and saw the blood and called out to the others this way, we hid until they pass we ran in another direction from where they were going, we had to get out of site so we keep walking and running, until we cane across a camp site looks of it this isehwte they were staying, Paul let go off my hand and started to pack a bag with water and food stuff and he gave me a small bag and said let's go, i could move I was not hurt only that my leg was bleeding, we started to run we were now miles away from where we were, we stop, the fog was really thick that we could not see our hands we could not see anything so we feel with our hands there was a rock we stayed close to it and then suddenly there as Paul touchhe felt the rock opened he could see the darkness inside he said let's go in I was afraid to but we had no choice, so we did it wad so far that we could not see anything, he had found a lighter at the camp site so he strick it and we saw where we where, in a cave it had a rock going up that looked like a step so we went up there and saw another cave with space water running from the rocks there was a we were cold it was dark so we had to take the chance to go out to get wood to make a fire, so we did we went outside and got wood enough to last days and Paul made the fire and he got some leaves made bed

continues see what happens tomorrow 💖💖💖💖💖💖
© M.T. Crossdale