

OMG OMG OMG! It's my birthday today!!! I get to eat cake, sing with my family and hang out with my friends. But then there's there is the promise I made to myself. I have to tell my crush how I feel. *Breathes Hard* I need to chill. But what if he doesn't like me? I'd biso crushed... But it's better to know, than not to know... That's something my mom always said to keep me going. Well my mom is telling me to go get ready for school so later.

~At School~

As soon as I walked in... BAM!?!? Guess who I saw.... just kidding I didn't see him, but I did see my two friends smirking so bad. So I approached them and said "Why do you two look like y'all are up to something?". They quickly put away their smirking face in turn serious... "No we're not up to anything..."They both said at the same time. Before pressing the issue I made them jinx and then continued. "Well YouTube hardly ever say the same thing, so when you do some special thing must have happened". they turned bright red, ignore this though. And there I was standing with my arms crossed waiting for an answer. I don't like it when they lie to me, or keep secrets from me. The least they could do was say it was a surprise... As if reading my mind Reina said "Ok, fine. I wanted to keep it secret after you did to your big whole thing.... but me and my boyfriend made it official!!! I'm sorry we just didn't want to ruin in your your fun. I thought we could do a double tell all.". So at this point I felt really stupid, because I just ruined an awesome surprise. but instead of standing there like a statue I said" Oh, that's awesomeeeeee. Congratulations girl!!!". Then to bother her I said" When are the babies?...". she got this funny flustered red look on her face, I couldn't take it no more so I burst out laughing. Omar started laughing with me too. Eventually Reina started to laugh as well. So I went to find Jonathan, Reina's bf, to congratulate him.... But that's when I saw the most dreadful thing I could possibly see....

Hi guys sorry for not posting a bunch, so I promised it and I'm here to give you..... drum roll please..... ROASTER PART 2! Please don't forget to like this toy because he helps me a lot and it's free to you.. and I'm sort of running out of ideas on what to write as in stories and poems, so if you have any don't forget to commente and I'll be sure to shout you out for helping me.
And also I know I haven't posted shout outs in a while, so I'll try to get back on that as well. Oh, and one last thing... the all Rights reserved button, I keep on forgetting but just so you know most to all of my content should have this on. If you recognize it from somewhere then obviously it's not mine.

© @Kacie-Ann McDermot