


Hardwork and smart work are two relative words used on several occasions. Sometimes used in relation to the other and at other times used in contrast to the other. Being a hard-working person is often associated with the state of being active, having so much to do, doing a stressful and time consuming work or job. Working smart is most of the time associated with doing less or nothing to yield greater results. We must note that working hard and working smart are both result driven.
Hard work has to do with giving our best in relation to time. Working smart means being able to achieve more in lesser time. Being a smart worker does not mean doing less to get bigger rewards or manipulating others and being less productive. A smart worker is one who figures out ways by which he can do several things within the constraint of time in order to increase productivity without a necessary drop in the value of result. Being a smart worker does not mean substituting work with spirituality rather one who uses spirituality to gain empowerment for capacity increase. Being a smart worker entails prioritizing, exposure to necessary technologies, ability to delegate and make every minute count. We are in the age where result is measured in relation to the speed of delivery without compromise in quality. To really be a smart worker, invest in self development, information and technological shift as well as creativity. Be smart, be hard-working and don't compromise quality in delivery.