

Poverty Formally Means :The state of being extremely poor .
Poverty is the state of having Few materials, Possessions or even little income.

Statistically, as from 2019, most the world's population live in Poverty 85% of people live on less than 10 dollars, and 1o% live on less than 1.90 dollars per day (Extreme Poverty). Poverty can make other social problems worse; economic pressures on impoverished communities frequently play a part in deforestation, biodiversity loss and ethnic conflict.

Seeing people around the streets begging for money is not nice it's just so heartbreaking soo sad seeing people who simply can't afford to buy food food , seeing children who don't have any clothes to wear they are wearing teared clothes with holes in them is sad and heart breaking. also seeing people live in tiny shacks with a larger family it extremely break my heart.
just because I can afford almost anything I want doesn't mean I don't care about people who live in Poverty to be completely honest I totally feel for homeless people.

My one and only wish is that one day that our presidents can help out the homeless people. and when I grow up I will I can have tons Of money so that one day I can change our economic situation that happening in the world .