

The fear still lingers , even after it's all in the past now . I can't say its past and leave it at that . I'm just scared . You know what, it much more scarier and heartwrecking if it's not your life , but that of your loved one you fear about. I can't be selfish enough to wish it was me in their place , cause they would also be suffering thinking about me then . I can't even bring myself to ask the question , " Why so cruel " , cause people around us had it worse in ways unimaginable to us .
Shall I blame the emotions then ? If it were not for these emotions wouldn't we be living a smoother routine life . But then again, who would want to live like a robot ? So , can't blame the emotions . Who else should I blame ? The more I think on it , the more I'm at a loss , cause for each and every action of ours , there exist a counteraction . Yes , Newtons third law of Motion . Whoever or on whatever I try to put the blame to , on further thinking , it bounces back at me . So am I the one to blame , even when something I have no control over happens ? I dont think so .
Rather than searching for who or what to blame ( cause it's simply frustrating and unanswerable right now , at least for me ) , let's face the options available to us .
1) Cry our heart out ..... and then what ?

2) Hide your pain within ..... and explode ?

3) Search for someone to put the blame on ..... and be at peace ?

4 ) Keep on ignoring it .... and will it vanish just like that ?

5 ) Laugh at it and carry on with your life ..... are you a saint ?

7 ) Accept it as fate and carry it as your burden ..... is it necessary?

8) Face the situation and instead of punching it back in it's face , try to come to a compromise with it .... patient and wise enough for that ?

You can keep on adding to this list , your personal choices . Yes , all these are available choices in front of you . All you have to do is choose one . But before you choose, be in that right frame of mind , be yourself and not your emotion rich self , cause you only have a single shot at it .

At the very end , you find that you are the only one to blame , cause you had a choice of choosing at whatever was going to happen , irrelevant of whatever had happened .