

I kept his secret for the longest time. Mom brought home another guy from the bar who she called her boyfriend. I didn't get attached for I knew I'd be just like the rest. Here one day and gone the next. Boy was I wrong... The next thing I know we were moving out of our house into low income housing. I played softball all that summer and met some good friends along the way. Then one day we started looking for houses back in Yates Center. Next thing you know my Mom's getting married to my step dad. I was furious because all I wanted was for my parents to be back together for that's how it should be. Now I realize some people just aren't meant to be. My step dad treated us as his own and continues to do say today. We found a place to move into where they still reside today. Go back to six years old on Halloween night my dad was running around town with a few of his buddies. There was a gun shot in the distance. Dad had been shot once in both eyes. The ambulance came and rushed him off to the hospital. My step Mom was there and rode in the ambulance with him. From there on our my Dad was legally blind so he was discharged on medical leave from the army. I couldn't stand my step Mom due to the fact that my Mom talked shit on her every day and would tell us how she felt about her. I'd call her all kinds of names, disrespect her, take her jewelry and hide it along with throwing her wedding rings down the floor vents of the house.

to be continued... I love my step Mom today and am really close to her. You'll hear more about this later on.
© Brandi N. Willard