

The school girl mystery-4
So it is not proved that it's Merry's ghost who is doing this all in school or cursed the school...
School's principal was very scared that she's next to die...
But why she was thinking this, is she hiding something from everyone...
Merry was a dipressed girl but she didn't have any problem with school teachers. She has problems only with the students who bully her...So why her ghost killed one teacher...So it means that isn't it Merry it was someone else...,Because Merry didn't cursed the school and according to part -1 the school was cursed So who did this..
So let's go back to some days ago when the Merry died... after she died, What happened with Merry's grand mother, she broked into tears and then what happen... Let's see...
So After it she thought that Merry has died because of school teachers and students and she blamed principal of the school and complained her that it's her fault...But the principal insulted her and didn't listen her and suddenly she died in the principal's office because of heart pain...
But the principal didn't told about this anyone and with some teachers she buried her under the school back side garden...
After it this all paranormal activity started happening in the school...
So, it was Merry's grandmother's ghost who killed them and then finally she killed the principal and the teachers who helped the principal and after killing them she buried them all in the school back side garden...
After it no one entered this school again... as it was cursed forever....

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