

Sant :An Incredible Boy (Episode 11.3)
Then, Gapon directed his gaze upon a substantial pillar and extended his hands in its direction. At once, some remarkable radiations emanated from his hands, and his eyeballs detached themselves and drifted towards the pillar. The eyeballs surrounded the pillar with fire. Gapon instructed Sant to enter the pillar, and Sant complied. Gapon informed him, "I intend to bestow my body upon you. However, prior to this act, you must be aware that once your body and mine become unified, you will assume the mantle of a supernatural being. Consequently, I shall cease to exist, and you shall emerge from the pillar. Nonetheless, you will be unable to harness the supernatural powers until you don a protective shield. This protective shield will materialize upon your wearing a mask. In this manner, when you have no need of your powers, you can remove the mask, and the shield will dissipate, allowing you to appear as an ordinary child. This mask will aid you in combating your adversaries and vanquishing negativity throughout your lifetime."

Gapon released Rigan from the stone's grasp and entrusted him with the mask intended for Sant. Subsequently, Gapon and Sant entered the pillar, and the flames surrounding it extinguished. As a result, Sant emerged from the pillar, while Gapon vanished. However, he retained the ability to communicate through Sant's consciousness and interact with Gason, Gayon, and Gangmon. He informed Sant that his consciousness had become even more potent with his presence and would guide him toward righteousness. Rigan then presented Sant with the mask, and upon wearing it, Sant became enveloped in a protective shield. Sant had finally acquired the superhero costume he had always yearned for.
Sant, in possession of Rigan, soared away from the castle and the well, ultimately arriving at the enigmatic dark jungle. With unwavering resolve, Sant was determined to vanquish Binash that very night, liberating the local populace from the clutches of his tyranny by dawn. Thus, he embarked upon the path illuminated by his profound connection with Gapon and his brethren, marching steadfastly towards Binash's domain.

© Santanu