

First lesson of life 📖
I remembered one incident of my life which leads me towards good values & morals. When I was in the 5th standard a bad incident from which I learned a lot. There is a began of my examination, the first paper of mine was maths and I made thought to cheat in an exam for that I wrote beside my paper board but my soul had not allowed me to do this so I rubbed the notes from my paper board. As there is saying: 'A lie can never be hidden.' Also, this applies my case too though I rubbed my mistake but it marks remained on this paper board. On the day of examination I first thought not to go with paper board suddenly I thought that it would be better to carry paper board I would be comfortable for to write a paper but the invigilator of that class could see some marks behind the paperboard of mine and suddenly she started mocked me without giving chance to prove myself and I was sat in the examination without question paper. After the half an hour of question paper given to me and I remembered that I wrote the whole paper with tears in my eyes.

On the next day people started mocked at me they start humiliated me. Though I revert the thought that it is not fair to do this even that I was punished. I felt a black stained on my honor, every day I thought why this happened to me and I started cursed myself why should I born in this hypocritic world at where everyone understands things with their opinions without knowing it's reality. Finally, it ends with a pessimistic note for me. After some time an unexpected incident made with me I can say that it is a chance for me to prove my chastity that is my science teacher had given 60 out of 60 but I was counted and found that I got 50 out of 60 my teacher had given 10marks extra by mistake. It could be like cherish on my fate I think in our childhood we always want to score high and I got full marks but my honesty couldn't agree to get the marks like this so I could stand up in front of everyone and acknowledged my teacher that there was a counting mistake in my paper & she had given me extra marks after that she confirmed that by rechecked my paper and realize that she had done counting mistake. She was so happy for my honesty and What she said for my honesty I still remembered yet that "I would like to give you 10marks for your honesty ".On the other day in a school assembly, she appraised me in front of everyone and she took me with her in every class and gave example of my honesty and told everyone to applause for me. After that I thought that life is isn't really so harsh, it is optimistic if we see it positively. I was so grateful that I got a chance to prove my honor.
© Avina Punjabi