

Ballads Of Nirvana
Chapter 21
Part 2

Indriya couldn’t help but feel sad for her friend, but when he fainted her heart leapt for him before she did. She caught him before he fell onto the ground, Chag was beside her in an instant who also had come to help him.
“I have only seen him this sad once before when he fainted, when he heard that Bilvani had died.” Chag said, his breath was unsteady. Indriya rested Agni’s head in her lap and stroked his hair while Mythri set to work immediately wiping her tears off still with a horrified expression on her face, a green light shining in her hands.

Indriya understood how each of them were feeling, she felt and saw the grief pouring off of them, her eyes too welled up at each word she heard Agni think. He blamed himself for each word his sisters said. Even though it was not his fault.
Indriya’s heart ached and started beating faster and faster as every second passed. He was so grieved that he fainted. She did not know what that would have been like and she never wanted to know.
Mythri placed her hand atop Agni’s head and stroked it all the way till his heart, and within a second or so Agni opened his eyes. Indriya couldn’t help but hold him closer to her, she hugged him closer to her heart and held him like he was a baby. She held him like if she ever let go he would leave her forever.
“I am fine, Princess.” Agni rasped hoarsely. Indriya’s heart ached in such a way it was almost like physical pain.
“I am not letting go of you, not now, not forever.” She said softly.
“I am alright, and it’s not like I can run away even if I want to.” He smiled sadly.
“I don’t like that idea very much, besides if you run away your sisters and I are going to find you and cuff your hands to us for the rest of your life.” She smiled at him as her tears rolled down to fall on his face. He wiped her tears from his face and then reached for hers. Indriya caught his wrist and motioned toward his sisters.
“It's okay, I will be there to annoy you for the rest of your life, your sisters need you the most now.” She whispered softly and smiled through her tears.
Indriya knew the healer was hiding something but this… This even shook Indriya from head to toe. Now she understood why Mythri had stammered when she asked her about her personal details. Mythri has two siblings, was born to Jagad and Samanvita Tamas and has a boyfriend named Chaitanya Vatsalya. These were the secrets Mythri hid from the world, although the last one was quite evident, they never confirmed it.

Agni sat up and looked at his sisters, who wrapped their arms around him and hugged. It was a family hug, a rather adorable one Indriya realised, one she could not have in her lifetime. But Indriya was happy it was done for once, she was happy and tired and sad, because she could still hear what Agni was thinking.

“Ok Tamas, Tamas and Tamas, all this is amazing, I am sorry, let's keep the sentimental soap opera to the end, shall we, have you guys thought about what to do if the Queen finds out?” She said, wiping her tears.

“The Queen, yes, we completely forgot she existed.” Agni said, as he got up regaining his sinuous grace and helped his sisters.
“We don’t have to tell, people.” Chag drawled.
“I agree cousin, she already looks at me like I am some chicken that has to be marinated for dinner.” Indriya shook her head.
“True to the word, Princess, but she not as dumb, she would probably find out sooner or later.” Agni said. “Maybe your not as stupid as I thought you were.”He said as he smirked as he scratched his eyebrow with his thumb, Indriya opened her eyes to say something but then closed it.

“Let’s keep things normal, she didn’t notice until now. Maybe she wouldn’t notice at all.” Bilvani suggested.
“It’s okay with you Bilvani, what about Mythri...Manurhita...that is your real name right Mythri?” Indriya asked, smiling at her dubiously.
“I am Mythri Vatsal... as far as I am concerned, who is Manurhita again?” She asked, as she blushed slightly. Indriya raised her eyebrows and smiled at her ever so slightly that everyone in the room halted at it, Agni was the one who looked shocked. Chag on the other hand shifted on his feet.
“What?” Agni asked, Prince Agni was the one who was the Nimrod to not have noticed it, despite staying with them all his life.
Indriya simply looked at him and gave a knowing smile in response. “Nothing.” Indriya grinned at Mythri whose damp cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

All of them dispersed for the night, Indriya slumped onto her bed and lulled herself into a sound sleep.