

Jack Peterson And superhero Acadamy Chapter 1
Look I don't want to brag For Being The Schools Best Superhero But Then again I am. I Wasn't always Fighting People I had my ups and downs. There was A Time In my life Where i wasn't a Superhero just a Average 12 Year old Boy. It started off Like a Normal Monday Morning. I Laid In My Bed as usual not wanting to Get up."Jake!" My Father kept shouting From downstairs I pretended I Was Deaf (As usual) I Moaned Going In for The -Im so Sick...- Excuse The Excuse we have all done In Our Lives. (If you haven't you either don't remember Or you are a liar A Big Fat Liar) I Looked Around For My Glasses I didnt see them Any where near me. I Moaned Again This time louder. "Jake Do I need to say This Again? Get Up!" I Wrapped My football Blankets around me I Actually play in a Football Team Called Onscreen Match For Kids Not that any Of that matters I Pretended to Snore. " Do You Want Your Phone Took Off You??" He Asked 'No' I Said In my mind. Then Came the first Scene Of a Horror Movie... I Heard Dads footsteps coming up the stairs. I Immidintly Got up From My Small Bed And Grabbed My Glasses On my Dark oak Desk And Rubbed my eyes. Even though I wasn't tired Just wanted to skip school. Then The Door Burst Open and Dad Came In With His Can of Beer (He Has the Biggest. Drinking problem Known to Man Kind) His Hairy Face And Plain red House Coat. Well I Looked like a scene from walking dead. "I...I'm Illlllllllllllllllll" I Moaned. He Shouted "Look In No Doing THIS I DON'T Care if you Got A cold Or Broke your arm Or Died You Are Going to School!" I tried To act Ill for a while But Cut the Act realising it wasn't Happening. "Why do You Even Care? Why do You Care if I go to school?" I Shouted. "Cause Mamma got A Meeting With Money So I don't want to make sure she's late Looking After YOU" He Told me. He's Luckly I don't have Super Strength Otherwise I'd punch This filthy Gold digger Right In the Face! The Way He Said You! Made me Want to Murder him. " It's All About Money Ain't it?" I Said."Whens my birthday?" I Demanded. " I dont know Mom Buys Your gifts Your stuff Ain't My Buisness" Get ready For School " He Walked out the door

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