

Triumphs In Love and Life

First Of All, The Great Albert Einstein defined Insanity as “Doing something over and over again expecting a different result”. Then went on to say that” he regrets the error” yes. However, “that is where the fun begins”. This can be applied in so many situations and events that have come to pass in our life. Yet, The pain felt behind such and the effects of the decision of repeating the same thing over and over again does not feel good emotionally leaving one to eventually regret the actions. However this is where the fun begins means it is one more time. Another opportunity each time we give a blow to see what will happen.

In other news and the news not so much talked about whether we know each other personally or not we all if not currently have faced adversity and pain. Yet survived. We have been blessed with another day to get back up and try at it again. In growing and going through life’s challenges our thinking changes and when our mind is not in the best place our behavior may follow as well. We don’t talk like we used to, We don’t love and trust like we used to without a second thought, our faith and hope has a dent in it coming from adversity, pain and the being tired of trying in this life.

Everyday around and in this world each of us battle with questions and mindsets that trouble or mindsets of consumers and our government with fears of the unknown so issues are the same and some are different but the majority of us do not have it all figured out as media and makeup would like to display. We all have been hurt by someone or some kind of tragedy has arisen in our personal lives which has left individuals in this world more cold and uncaring for the next person. It doesn’t mean that we are bad, selfish, and uncaring as people. But because of all the pain and uncomfortabilities we have experienced and the of the events that have already taken place around the globe. Because of such we trust no one. We don’t really care about the stranger, as long as they stay out of our way we are fine. As an individual are out here in the world trying to make it, be good, productive and gain more ourselves. And tomorrow we face the same type of situation of not knowing what is next but already in the same mode to repeat the same things and attitudes into tomorrow.

The World, Society upkeeps, Life and Relationships has caused much of harm shaping americans and foreigners to be the all about self-type of people that we have become. Many adversities and setbacks has hardened us as a people and this being true can be proven on the local news even daily with wars and rumors of wars just so we are selfishly pleased and control what we want not caring who may be hurt. We are hungry for ourselves, thirsty for ourselves so we have rob, steal and take lives just so we get want and what we think will benefit us. It seems instead of working hard we want it quicker so we take it. Even if personally you aren’t the one “taking” you’ve seen and definitely have heard about it…Leaving us as an individual hardened and on guard about the next. We go to bed hardened when it comes to people and the unknown dealings with them we may have to face tomorrow and we wake up hardened ready to face them with all the attitudes of uncertainty.

The truth is uncertainty will last forever in this world. Trials, Tribulations, and Adversity in this world have been promised. I am here to attempt to encourage you to be more a part of the solution, be on the team of different help and to advise not to let this world or the people in it cause a good in you to rupture. By no means are we asking you to go and try and make the gangs get along. I’m encouraging you to face this world and individuals in it with a bigger heart and a lighter spirit.

No matter where you are in life or in location the very next thing you think about is what will grow you personally yet help someone else. For Example, We all have faced trial, tribulation been hurt, betrayed and have failed in some area across the world this much is true. Now that we know this, hear about it, and see it..Ask yourself if the past even yesterday’s past ask yourself if the past has hurt or helped you or has it hurt or helped anyone else.

Set aside blame and pointing of fingers each fellow American is responsible for actions that we carryout. Examine self-first and come to a conclusion on what it is you really want and what will grow you, what will deem you successful in your eyes and go after it. Materials and people have left you disappointed and heart-broken yet I encourage you to “smile” and say a simple “hello” at the next person you don’t know instead of a mean face. It has been said before and may be very true that we never know what the next person is going through. A cold shoulder and behavior of being cold towards someone wouldn’t benefit the individual and it certainly wouldn’t do any good or give justice to your own life. So why carry it or display it in a silent attitude towards others.

We may not currently know the next person or their state of mind and that can be scary so we must do what we must do to survive and plan what we can. We encourage you to work on unhardening yourself and walk and carry more love inside you.

Finally Be more humble in this life and with others, spread more smiles and encouraging words than a negative attitude. Awake with confidence know and believe that every day that you are blessed to awake and walk around this earth is another opportunity of starting. Giving up is easier but not the way to success and being happy and having others be pleased and inspired by you.

The Definition of Faith in our Holy Bible book of (Hebrews 11:1) is defined as Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen if you will keep on reading Hebrews 11:6 tells us without faith it is impossible to please God. As far as I’ve personally gotten in this life the ONE who has the power to make us all whole, complete, successful, the one who can give us ALL that we desire does not live on planet earth but HE does at the same time because his teachings are to lie inside of you. We don’t have it all we want it all and we’ve grown tired of waiting so we are heading a in direction not good or safe for anyone as a result.

Faith allows you to celebrate what you hope for yet don’t see as a substance in front of you as if it was already yours. We can control ourselves and control some on how other individuals may respond to us. The rest is out of our hands. Instead of being hard and on guard pray and ask God for direction protection and stand up afterwards as if he was physically seen and walking right beside you like a body guard. That’s utilizing Faith. Release fears and doubts because it will do no good in you changing our lives for the better despite what this life and laws have given you already.

Never ever give up. Be Kind and Gentle towards yourself and other individuals and this is how we make it through this thing called Life.