

A Night In Delhi.
It was that time of the year, summer almost at its end and winter kicked in. College ended, exams were over.
Ahana and her friend Avani, making so many plans for the trip to Himachal  (state in India). They slept early that night as they had an early morning flight to catch from Indore to Delhi.
They woke up at 4'clock, all in mess, a lot still left to pack. They worked in synchrony and by 6' they were ready to leave for airport. They were joined by another friend from college, Rhea. She was a bit studious but showed up for this plan. All three of them were so happy.
They reached the airport on time. Done with the security check, now waiting for the flight.
Before the flight Ahana got a call from her aunt saying if she could come home as they had a stay of 7 hours in delhi, she could not refuse as what she was today, was because of her aunt. She didn't know what to do. So she said yes. She was worried, as Avani and Rhea were going to spend some time with Avani's brother at his house as it was planned for all 3 of us.
They reached Delhi by 10 am.
So Ahana decided to go to her aunt's house. They departed. They decided to meet at the bus stop 1 hour prior to when the bus was supposed to be leaving for Himachal.
Ahana booked a cab and left. Avani and Rhea booked a cab for them as well.
Ahana was scared, after all it was a big city, new to her and she had never travelled alone before that.
She reached at her aunts home all in time for lunch.
They had a chat, all was going well. At 5 she decided to leave as it would take her at least 1 hour of travel to reach the bus stop. Her aunt asked her to book a cab, and so she did. But the cab driver got confused with the area and cancelled the ride. She could not find anything for the next half hour, then she decided go out and search for something.
Her aunt helped her out but they could not find anything.
There, Avani and Rhea left from her brother's place already.
Finally Ahana also got an auto rikshaw and left saying bye to her aunt.
She was worried as now she might not reach there on time.
She was tracking on the online map.
Avani and Ahana both were going at the same pace. She now took a sigh of relief.
But, suddenly her auto driver decided to take a short cut. She was so scared and didn't say a word. He said its ok mam i will make you reach on time.
Then he took a path of bridge. But to her surprise it had a huge traffic jam and they got stuck.  She sat there for almost 1 and a half hours in there. Every moment like a pin prick.
Weird thoughts popping in. What if she missed the bus. What if he was a wrong person. It was all a mistake. She shouldn't have gone to her aunt. With every turn she was questioning her driver, if she would reach on time.
Her phone rang, it was Avani she said, they are in the bus and the driver refused to stop. They would leave any minute now. The situation got scarier. Now she was with a driver not knowing where to go, what to do. If the bus left what will she do, is there another bus. No answers.
Avani said the bus will go slow till outer of Delhi so we may catch them.
Driver asked her not to worry, it was another 30 minutes before they could reach the bus stop.
Time passed, with every turn she was more and more anxious now. Tears falling down. Heart beating so fast.
Bus left the stop, even if they were going slow it was 15 min from the stop.
Avani was constantly on the call and calming Ahana. They were pacing, nearer and nearer every minute.
Finally Ahana could spot the bus, but they were still at a distance, in the traffic. Even if the traffic moved the distance was same.
The bus driver finally parked the bus at a nearby point and finally Ahana reached.
Avani was waiting there, standing outside the bus. Ahana rushed and hugged her. She boarded the bus.
Thanked Avani a ton for not leaving without her. They reached Himachal early morning. The scene was beautiful.