

Death Scandal (Part 2)
Riyaz had the question in his mind- How come the same man who he had brutally murdered just this afternoon be sitting in front of him, and that's too in this dark quiet midnight.
"Osman, I thought... I thought I murdered you." Riyaz questioned the unknown.
"Yes Brother, you did. You shot me dead and then burnt my body to ashes. "
"Can you tell me why did I kill you? "
"You came to loot the bank. You killed the bank manager, then the security guard saw that, you killed him. Then I entered... "
"If I had killed you, how are you here? " Riyaz answered in a curious voice never heard before.
Osman remained quiet. Ten to fifteen seconds passed after which he opened his mouth, however, he had changed the topic. "
"Can I have a glass of water, brother?"
"W-why not? " A greatly trembling and tammering voice was heard from Riyaz's mouth.

Riyaz walked out of the bedroom. He didn't feel like turning on the lights. The entire house is as quiet as it is in a graveyard at night. He could hear his footsteps as well as his heartbeat. An unknown fear has grasped him. His sixth sense is giving a clear message- Something unimaginably terrible is going to happen this very night.
Riyaz pressed the filter tap and a flow of water came out, pouring the glass. He walked out and went back to his bedroom. Osman is still sitting on the same spot. Riyaz walked towards him and gave him water. Finishing the whole glass, he said calmly-
"Brother, go to sleep. You had a big day. Take some rest. "
"And you? What are you going to do?"
"I will guard you."

Riyaz understood nothing of the situation he was facing. He lied down facing the opposite direction of where Osman was sitting. He didn't know when, a deep sleep had grasped him. It was at three o' clock when he woke up hearing a loud noise.

(Story to be continued)
Written by: Myself (Rubayat Ali)

© RAli