

STOP!!!! WAIT!!!!! Hang on

Is what happens to me in my mind when I connect to other energy's that pass BYE - (what most do) because I feel the connections/magnetic pull and something is telling me not to let this spirit just leave as this is a sign, a sign how energy's are there in the same field connecting subconsciously in dimensions that are to hard to comprehend to many.

So for me when I get that feeling I act on it and any judgment I have in my mind even little things like where did you get them crystals from or what inspired them to dress that way because I don't just let it just stay in my mind I need to act on it and ask the other person what I was thinking otherwise I won't know and then what was the point in thinking it in the 1st place. You can let all your thoughts just stay in your head but your thoughts are being received for a reason its just up to the individual to process them and act on them regardless of the outcome knowing the universe has your back.

#advice #hesitate #knowing #acting #yolo
© Th3CrazyThink3rs