

Tainted (a Fanfiction story based on Game of Thrones Series) 7.1
Chapter Seven.01 (bonus chapter) : Her

I stormed toward the mess hall in haste as I arrived in Winterfell. Two of Winterfell Castle guards were with me. They bursts the door open and I found her cowering in the corner when she saw me. She was obviously terrified and scared of me. But true enough, I never cared for her. All I only wanted was to kill her right this instant. My heart were full of hatred, with this urged to implicate her with unbearable pain as a prize for her father's sin. My whole being was succumbed with deep grudged and hatred when I laid my eyes on her. I may had been fooled by her tricks before,but I would never allow her to do it again to me.
I sensed too much fear from Ross Bolton's daughter as I headed towards in her direction. Right there, she was cornered like a mice.
I pulled her on her wrist and she flinched, was terrified, and screamed in horror.
She had begged for me to set her free but it had only fueled my anger towards her.

"Take her away and lock her in the dungeon."
I commanded the castle guard as I harshly threw her on the floor. I held my sword tightly at my side. I was ready to kill her now but her helplessness had stopped me to withdraw my sword from its sheath. How could she be this so frail and helpless? She was a Bolton, a daughter of a traitor and a schemer! I shouldn't be blinded by pity!

"If it's revenge you seek for what my father did to your family, you might as well kill me..I don't care anyway. I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of always being scared, Lord Snow."
She sobbed.
"I would certainly do that. But not of this time, traitor.." I silently whispered it to myself.
Her pale face was flooded with tears. I looked into her eyes. Those honey coloured eyes of hers that made her looked so exotic, very rare from the Northerners or even from the lowborn to obtain. But it holds fear, and frailty when she set those eyes towards me and then I saw tenderness and longing. I suddenly felt a very familiar feeling. Those stares from her, I have seen it before. It was very familiar to me. But I couldn't even remember.
I silently cursed and scolded myself at the thought. I should be implicating her pain, or even kill her to fulfill my revenge. I despised and loathed the traitors, and that includes her. I would do everything I could to make her suffer. She lied to me, to the Starks and to everyone here in this Castle.
She must pay the prize!

© melai2020

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