

Equality is not just one-sided
not opposing and not composing any thought of mine on you. Its just that from reviewing, writing and reading a lot of views, articles and poetries on women's day and values of women, I realised that why not talk about men too. You can consider me anti feminist or anything you wish for but I would like you all to question yourselves once that "Do we have any day to celebrate respect for men like we have for women?" The answer is probably no! we don't have any such day.
Now coming to feminism. In the light of this title, we demand equal rights for women and men. right?

correct me please if I'm wrong.

If we demand for equal rights for women like men, then why dont we celebrate equal events? After all feminism is all about equality between sexes right? I'm not an anti feminist person but it's just that why don't we talk about men, their feelings, their sacrifices, etc. why don't we notice those sacrifices that they do for us.
Its correct that a women is not just a housewife, she's a homemaker without which the element of peace in our homes would be missing, but why don't we think it this way also that without a men, a house is not possible for a women to make it a home. A woman sacrifices her social life, dreams, etc for her family and home, but a man also sacrifices his comfort zone and mind peace and sometimes his ambitions and dreams also to build a secure and satisfying environment for his family.

a lot of people also reviewed about mother's love for her children and sacrifices a mother does, but may I ask you why don't we respect the sacrifices of a father for his children? A mother carries a baby for 9 months in her self and goes through a lot of pain in those stages but, a father also works day and night for his children and makes himself flexible enough. The day a baby is born, it first catches the touch of a mother but what about a father? Again, feminism demands equality then why don't fathers get valued for their work and compromises.
Being a girl, it's much easier to express our feelings to others. Our feelings easily come out with tears or sometimes we directly complain, but a man can't. This society still doesn't accept a man to cry and complain. How would they express themselves, their pain and their complains. Then the only way for them to express their emotions is anger, rage and rudeness. But again this society doesn't allow them to get angry. And if by mistake they lose their temper at some point, we as women start complaining and start counting our sacrifices.
it's just a matter of thoughts. We are Humans at first then are we in any genders. let's first equalize the importance and positions of every human being, then only we would be able to live an equally peaceful life. We need to change our mindset first then we'll be able to celebrate these days. Thank you

© Sakina