

My Love Is
🥀🕊️My love is so deep.

When you step into my light,
You will feel My energy.

My love is so deep.

When your lips touch mine you will feel electricity.

My love is so deep.

When our bodies touch eachother.
You will feel like your in a fantasy where birds are singing, the trees are blossoming, the smell of sweet honey from our friendly Queen Bee🐝 .

As we floating around her tree as our body drips sweet sweat all over the Queen family.

A cloud forms, it starts to rain allover our bodies
Which switch us to another fantasy.

My love is so deep.

As you enter my ocean A wrath 🌊of waves splashes against our bodies drifting us down deeper into the sea.

The dolphins, shark's , fishes swimming around our bodies, Feeling our vibraition as you penetrates me.

My love is so deep.

As you exit my fantasy, you will always remember me.. Julie Luvunoless now you are apart of my energy.

My love is so deep.

© Julie Luvunoless2021