

Death on Christmas Eve
"Ah, finally college is over, we are finally free from these boring classes and annoying teachers" Austin said as he stretched his whole body letting out a loud yawn.

"Sometimes I wonder why we became friends Austin" Debbie blurted out while rolling her eyes at Austin.

"We all just have to continue coping with him for the rest of our life's after all we have been enduring him for so many years"Brent said while elbowing Sweetie.

"What" Sweetie asked.

"Won't you tell them about what me, you and Tae discussed last night" Brent whispered with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh , well don't worry I'll ask Tae because I don't have the time to announce it " Sweetie said while rolling her eyes at Brent.

" Tae announce the thing we discussed yesterday" Sweetie said .

"Let everyone go first " Tae replied.

After the class was over everyone Left except for the Star team.

"I call for the attention of Star group , me, Sweetie and Brent have decided that we will have a sleepover at Debbie's house to celebrate the end of school year" Tae announced as he climbed on the table.

"Wow, you didn't even tell me about it , it's my house you want to use " Debbie said a a clearly annoyed.

"Don't be such a vibe killer Debbie, just agree" Brent and Tae said.

"I didn't refuse before I was just voicing my opinion" Debbie said.

More Information on the story: The Star group is a group that has six members who are the most famous people of their college year which are: Ari, Austin, Debbie, Tae, Brent and Sweetie.

Later in the evening.

"Grrrrrr" the door bell rang.

"I'm coming " Debbie shouted as she finished arranging all the drink and snacks and went to open the door .

"Hey guys you are here so early"Debbie said with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you expect us to be here by 8:00pm " Tae asked.

"Maybe because"Debbie was saying before Sweetie interrupted them saying "Will you keep us outside or shall we go inside".

"Sorry please come in " Debbie said as she opened the door wide.

They all came inside watched some movies, played truth or dare, partied and they finally rested on the living room chair.

"Now what should we do" Brent said while looking at Debbie waiting for a reply.

"Umm, yeah I know what we can do, let us play a board game " Debbie said while looking excited .

"Really do you want us to play a boring board game to celebrate the end of school year" Austin said clearly annoyed with Debbie's answer.

"No , it's not all these boring board games it's a board game that I bought when I went to my hometown to visit my grandma , the person I bought it from said you can use it to communicate with the Devil " Debbie said while grinning at all of them.

"So you believe it " Ari asked .

"No, I just want us to try it out to see if it's real" Debbie said .

"Okay so bring it " Tae said.

After she brought it they all gathered near it.

"Lucifer , Lucifer communicate to us , we need answers" Debbie chanted until she suddenly stopped .

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed to an uncomfortable, dangerous atmosphere.

"I think I'm starting to regret this whole thing " Austin said while trembling in fear.

"Don't be a coward Austin, just calm down the Devil can't come to this place" Brent said while trying to hide his fear.

"But honestly, I feel a strange presence here with us" Tae said.

"Even if he is here , he can't do anything to us, he is just some spirit that God created but he wanted to become like God and we all know he can never even be up to Quarter of God " Sweetie said while laughing like a mad person.

"You are right, he is just like mud trying to be like Gold" Debbie said while smirking.

"I really can't imagine that he tried to be like God " The rest of the four echoed making all of them laugh .

Suddenly they heard scribbling sounds only to look so to see something written with blood on the board which says : (You think I am mud well I am coming for you all). As everyone read it they started to tremble in fear.

"Well we don't have to worry he can't do anything, let us go and sleep" Ari said as they all slept.

The next morning they all departed and went their separate ways.

Three Months Later , Strange phenomenons and things started happening in their lives.

Ari, Brent,Tae, Sweetie and Austin received a group call from Debbie then they all answered it.

"Guys, I have something to tell you all, strange things have been happening around me like living things dying, situations where I almost get injured and also one day I was walking back home when an homeless person suddenly grabbed me by my arm and told me that he is coming for us" Debbie said while almost out of breath.

"I thought I was the only one experiencing all those strange things" Ari said.

"We really shouldn't have played that game that night" Austin said

"Same for me but I never saw the stranger that Debbie saw" Tae said.

"Me too " Brent said.

"Why won't she see the stranger, she was the person who introduced it to us" Sweetie said .

"So what should we do about it now I hope we aren't gonna die" Tae said almost freaked out.

"This is like Final destination " Austin said while trying to calm the tension.

"Can you be serious for once Austin" Ari said .

"I have gotten an idea, we will go to my hometown and ask the person that sold it to me if she has any information about it" Debbie said.

"I hope it saves us" Tae said.

"I hope it really does as Debbie says" Brent said.

"But there is a problem we will have to walk there" Debbie said.

"Really" All of them said.

Soon they began their journey.
Note: The reason why they had to walk there was because Debbie's hometown had a dark past, so everyone feared going there.
Along the way they stopped at a railway track to rest. As they were resting, Austin started to video himself on the rail tracks intending to do a dangerous stunt.

"Austin be careful, you know death is after us so anything Is possible"Ari shouted.

It's impossible , they said this railway as been closed because trains breaks usually fail while here" Austin said .

Suddenly the railway speakers started announcing that: Dear travellers please depart the railway track there as been a break failure among one of the trains following the route .

"Austin I think it's Time for you to get off the rail tracks" Tae said.

"I wanna see the train before I get off " Austin said.

"Austin get off" Tae shouted.

"Come on I'm doing it for my lovely suscribers and followers" Austin said while smirking.

As the train approached Austin decided to get off the train tracks but his shoe laces were stuck in the train tracks as he was trying to remove his leg out of his shoe fast he dislocated his bone and he fell down on the tracks and was trying to get off the tracks.

"Austin , I am coming to help you " Sweetie shouted as she didn't realize that the train was approaching them at a fast stance.

"Sweetie get off the rail tracks it's approaching we can't save him" Ari shouted .

As Sweetie wanted to get off Austin held her hand and refused to let her go then he said "Sweetie we will die together" in his injured state.

"Sweetie " Debbie shouted as she was trying to drag Sweetie from Austin's grip.

As the train headed towards the three of them Tae ran and grabbed Debbie pulling her away as the train ran over Sweetie and Austin and blood splashed everywhere.

"What were you thinking Debbie you could have killed yourself " Tae shouted at Debbie furiously .

"I'm sorry, it's just that I didn't want Sweetie to die" Debbie said as she cried and cried in Tae's harms

As Debbie was being consoled by Tae and Ari an iron from under the rail tracks where the train was passing flew and cut across half of Brent's body. As they saw Brent's body lying on the ground they all consoled each other and continued they journey.

After they reached Debbie's hometown they looked for the woman who sold it to Debbie but didn't see her, suddenly someone told them she died then the three of them asked for her family then the villager explained to them that the woman's family was a peaceful and happy family until the day their teenage daughter bought the same board that was sold to Debbie , the villager continue to explain saying that the family played the game on the board and something was scribbled on the board saying (I'm coming for you all) then since that day all of the family that played it died .

Debbie, Taehyung and Ari were shocked by this revelation, knowing that they would all die at the end they logded an hotel so that after Christmas they would leave if they were still alive.

Then Christmas Eve came .
10:59pm came.
Suddenly the lights of the room were flashing non-stop voices were heard in the room which scared three of them.

"Run" Debbie shouted as she saw a black shadow emerging from the ground.

They were on the run until 11:30 which included hiding and resting. Then they suddenly saw a church thinking that it was their only hope they ran into the church.
Even though the church seemed weird they still settled down.

11:50pm came.
They noticed that the people in the church weren't standing but floating, their hands were long and the statue didn't look like Jesus at all. Realising that they have been trapped they tried to run but the demons blocked them. Suddenly a dark figure that had horns, a destroyed face and big figure appeared from nowhere, As he was about to shoot an arrow towards three of them Ari defended them.

" Both of you run " Ari shouted as she took the arrows.

As only Debbie and Tae was left they continued running until they heard a choir singing from somewhere.

"That is the only church in my hometown, that is it, let's go Tae" Debbie shouted as she pointed to the direction and both of them ran towards there.

11:59pm They were at the front of the church as they were about to enter the church they were grabbed by Lucifer the Devil. Seeing the Devil face to face their body trembled in fear because he was way scarier than people described him to be .
Then suddenly they both looked at each other.

"In Matthew 28:20 It is written that "I will be with you always even until the end of the world" " They shouted without fear.
There was sudden silence for a moment then Lucifer dropped them because his hands were burning. As they ran into the church 12:00pm clocked, and Lucifer started to burn in flames.

"Victory is ours " They both said as they looked into each others eyes.

After the celebration of Christmas they returned to their various homes .
Four weeks later.
Suddenly in the middle of the night they woke up due to some scribbling sounds and saw something written on their windows saying:( I have not forgotten you It isn't over).
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