

A Nocturnal Contemplation
Rayne looked down at the world below her, the abode of the gullible. There was something funny about the way these people drew back into their lairs at night, as if scared of the dark. The forest was a safe place. Sure, there were wolves at night, but they didn’t bother you unless they were hungry, you just had to know how to avoid them. In many ways, the night was when Rayne felt truly alive. It was also the only time when she could see. Perched high up on her tree, Rayne felt safe, she was after all-

‘Excuse me, miss Rayne?’

_Another pesky fox? When will they ever learn?_

‘Yes, my dear. What brings you to my humble tree tonight?’

The fox broke into a sly grin, baring its teeth. ‘Oh wise owl! I found a tree on the other side of the forest today. It had a lot of grapes you know. But, it was too tall for me, so I assumed the grapes were sour. But now, wise one, I am plagued by doubt. I wouldn’t know for sure unless someone confirmed it. I couldn’t think of anyone else but you to confirm it. I could lead you to the tree, oh wise one. You just have to perch on my shoulders.’

_Of course, he just wants to eat me, like the rest of his lot. Why do these creatures always assume that nobody could ever see through their subterfuge? Those silly laughs are just plain annoying at times._

Rayne paused, pretending to think deeply.

_The cave it is._

‘Oh dear! I'm so glad that you came to me. However, I can’t accompany you tonight. You see, I’m too tired to fly. But, I am forever grateful. As a token of my gratitude, allow me to point you towards the Cave of Wonders.’

The fox’s eyes widened. ‘The Cave of Wonders?! Why, that is just a myth-’

‘Of course not! The Cave of Wonders is very much true. It’s the hunter’s abode. Any animal who walks into the Cave of Wonders, will be granted a place beside the warm fire and give an endless supply of food. Didn’t the dogs preach so?’

The fox looked doubtful. ‘But I thought that was just a ploy to get us to trust the humans. They kill us for skin you know?’

‘Nonsense! That’s just rumor spread by the skeptics who don’t want you to gain eternal pleasure. My child, I have witnessed the glory myself, the warm glow of fire inside the cave, the dogs feasting on bones. Why, if I didn’t have to bear this burden of enlightening you all, I would have gone there ages ago. Sadly, that is not to be.’

The fox seemed to be considering her words. Rayne smiled. _Now, that’s how you fool a fox._

‘Very well, point me in the right direction, oh wise one.’

Once the fox had left, drooling and eager to feast, Rayne resumed her thoughts. The dogs once ran wild in the forest. Everyone had assumed the worst once they took refuge with the humans, but the dogs were now the best fed among all animals, spoiled rotten. None except the cats and dogs returned from the caves. They preached to the rest about the wonders inside the hunter’s cave. ‘Why would they return? They had an endless supply of food in there,’ Rayne had comforted the doubtful animals. Rayne was happy as long as the cats brought her the promised quota of fruits.

Sometimes even Rayne wondered, ‘What if it is all true?’ Even the cats agreed with the dogs about the Cave of Wonders, and they were the worst of enemies, why would they agree on anything, unless it was some truth in it?
© Shine_Ali