


These last three days have been a lot for me, both mentally and physically. I've had to deal with frightening situations and experiences with these deceitful, creepy, and seemingly demonic creatures called snakes.

It all started on Tuesday around 4 pm. I was casually walking into the kitchen to dish up a wonderful plate of rice, stew, and a satisfying, big piece of meat. Then I saw it - the one creature to be blamed for man's unfortunate fall. It crept all over the face of the window, but luckily, it was trapped, as the closed louvers prevented it from breaking into the house. If you're thinking Tobi is brave enough to withstand a snake in the kitchen, then you're definitely wrong. I was scared to death. "The fu..." I screamed. Although it was trapped, it still felt very scary, as I hadn't seen snakes in months, since I stopped watching "Snakes in the City."

What would I do? Who would I call? Bro Ini was at work, and Mum and Dad were far enough from home, leaving the innocent last-born at home. I thought deeply and decided to take the bravest and fastest move I could: run out of the house as soon as possible.

I grabbed a cutlass and ran straight to the boy's quarters, where I met Mr. Emmanuel, one of the occupants. I explained the situation to him, and he offered to help. Ironically, I, who nearly froze to death, suddenly felt like the head of an army as I walked heroically ahead of him. "Sir, let me show you," I kept on repeating until we arrived at the backyard. I jumped ahead to the other side of the kitchen's window, with no idea that the snake had already stuck its head outside. Thank God it didn't think of hurting me. But I was certainly surprised at how fast it had made its way outside.

I watched from a distance as Mr. Emmanuel rushed to get a bamboo from the bushes. My eyes met with this "devil." It began crawling out, its body twisting and turning. I marveled at the greenness of its skin. Crawling towards me, omoor, I spoke to my legs and did the next brave thing, as usual, run away. By the time I reached a safe place, I couldn't find it anymore. Mr. Emmanuel, who had come back with a big bamboo, was confused. "Has it gone already?" "Yes, sir. It has," I replied, as I was very sure it had already left, sneaking out for good.
© Oluwatobiloba Akinnate