

coherence -2013 (sci-fi/thriller) IMDb-7. 2/10
Coherence is a sci-fi/thriller directed by James ward in the year 2013, is the small budget movie that ever made up in the sci-fi genre. The plot narrates the story of Eight friends at a dinner party experience a troubling chain of events due to the malevolent influence of a passing comet.
One of the best thriller/sci-fi movies I've watched. The plot has been developed ingeniously. The highlight of the movie is the shaky and dodgy camerawork along with a decent cinematography.
The movie is based on Schroedinger's cat experiment theory in which the the cat in box may be dead or alive but when we open the box see the superposition of cat either dead or alive we can see both.
Well, to understand the end as well as the whole plot you need to have good amount of intellect which means that, this movie is not for everyone. If you're really into science fiction and enjoy using your inventive faculties to analyse a movie, then only you can understand this movie and hence enjoy it.
As a scientific boffin I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Fear, mystery and trippy metaphysics creates a wildly inventive and complex mind-bending game, is a celebration of brilliant writing and a dazzling triumph of micro-budget indie filmmaking.