

Young Autumn.
*(Names and place are fictional)* and a little lengthy, hope you enjoy^_^....

Autumn is a young girl who lives with her family in a small town called Blue Ball Town. She's the youngest in her family who is being loved dearly. She has no complaints about her life and enjoys it like she's the one gifted with a life of happiness.
Since it was Saturday and the school's were closed she agreed to visit her aunt with her elder sister. Her aunt lives in the same town, but her house is situated on the hilltop and their house is on the other end. Her aunt lives in a big mansion with her only daughter and is a widower, whose husband was in an army and died during his patrolling two years back. She is someone who likes to criticize much, so before they set out her sister warned her to be careful with her manners and not to speak unnecessarily.
Saying their goodbyes they went on their way. Though it was only a few minutes walk they had to cross multiple houses and wish every person they come across. But Autumn didn't mind meeting people cause she knew her sister who is expertise in such activities can handle it well and all she needs to add is nod her head and smile.
As they reach their her aunt was out watering her flower plants and Fifi her daughter was standing beside her with her pet dog. Noticing them her aunt drop her work and greeted them.
Her sister who was thoughtful of arranging some garden fruits handed it to her aunt. Taking the fruits she went in and invited them inside.
"How are your Mom and Dad," she asked as she placed the basket on the kitchen table.
"They are fine" Her sister replied trying to sound as polite as possible.
As they took their seats her aunt asked her daughter to prepare some tea.
"I will go and help, Atum you seat and chat with your aunt," her sister said leaving her alone with her aunt.
Saying that her sister walked to the kitchen leaving her alone with her aunt who was looking right at her, all she could think of at the moment was 'what shall I say?'. She tried to give a pleading look to her sister but she didn't notice and left in a hurry. No wonder she wanted to chat with Fifi personally, they always had something to share when she visited.
"So Atum dear in which standard are you in?" her aunt asked bringing her back from her thought.
"Mmmh....! in standard 5," she said softly and rubbing her hands feeling nervous.
"Is that how you reply to your elders you should speak louder when you speak with an adult, you are already in 5th standard and you should be learning manners lessons by now. No wonder your mother take no seriousness for your education. All your sisters are the same except for Lilin" She said displeased with Autumn and her other sisters.
Autumn could not understand why her mom has to do with her manners. And wonder how her aunt was when she was young, Was she never nervous!?, But said nothing in fear of her aunt saying more about manners, the topic which she hates to hear. She wishes her sister Lilin has not left, how long will 4cups of tea take to make. After her aunt speech, not a word was shared between them and it felt like an eternity for Autumn who is a restless girl.
Some minutes later silent footsteps entered the room. Lilin and fifi came in with cups and biscuits breaking the silence. As they had their tea they sat and laugh about adult jokes which Autumn found confusing but laugh at it anyway. She admired her sister for being able to keep up with her aunt and wish to be like her when she grows up, Hoping her aunt will understand her when she is an adult.

#Autumn #youngstageproblems🖤✨
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