

Loyalty episode 8
After thirteen years, Xi and Zhou were sitting and praising the young man who was fighting very bravely with their companions. All other master was sitting there they greatly inspired by a young man fighting skills. The fight ends and everyone was raising slogans and cheering the young man.THERE Is a smile on the young man's face.xi, zhou, and other masters awarded the young man. Then Youngman says I dedicated this reward to my master. Leader master smiles and says your student is filial indeed. Zhou says "no doubt ". Then leader master says now permit me to leave I hope we will meet again. Zhou and Xi greet the then-leader master left. Then zhou and Xi entered the room with a young man. Then xi ordered the guards to leave the room, they greet then left the room. xi and zhou congratulate the young man. Then they take tea. After taking tea Xi said, Prince now you are an expert in Kung Fu and can face any danger bravely. Now it's time to take revenge for jankong. zhou prince Xi is right. Prince said "what is strategy "Xi said everything is a ready prince. Prince said then alert all our fighters to get ready for a fight. Now it's time to free people from the cruelty of jankong. Xi said, right prince. I will inform all fighters. Prince smile and then they start eating. This young man was prince. who escaped from the palace when jankong attacked the palace. At that time he was a kid. Now he is ready to take revenge from Jankong and free his people from Jankong brutality.
To be continued
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