

The sound of tapping could be heard as Rhena stare outside the window. Another day another tasks. She just gotten scolded because of not wearing uniform and now she's a little frustrated.

Thankfully not all her teachers are strict and she was able to explain that her uniform had gotten wet from the rain. Furthermore her family was financially unstable thus she only have two uniform at most.


It's not like she's wearing a crop top so why don't they allow it?

"Whatever." Rhena muttered under her breath as the teacher started to discuss.


'All students should wear uniforms. Do you agree?'

Rhena look at the question as answers came through her mind.

'No. Why? Because first of all as someone who's from a financially unstable family I experienced many hardships with uniforms. There are times where I could not wear them for many reasons. Secondly, it sometimes took most of my time to get ready.'

Suddenly, she scoffed at the last sentence. It was just a mere complain. Though it is true that it took her time but what really took most of her time was getting her hair ready. Like honestly why is it so hard to style her hair?


"Let's go to 7/11!"

Rhena glanced at a group of friends as she heard them. They've known each other but she didn't think they're that close considering that no one ever invited her.

Shaking her head she ignored this thought as she started to walk. Her shoes tapping against the ground.

Around the corner of her eye she spots a group of men looking at her. Suddenly she felt awkward.

'What are they looking at? They aren't looking at me right?'

Trying to defuse her awkwardness she took out her phone and started to walk faster. It was at the same time those group of people started walking towards her.

She could feel her heart fall and her breathing hitch for a second.

'It's strange.' She thought.

She felt like a mountain was place on her chest. Suffocating her.

Goosebumps travel through her skin as she instinctively felt like a prey being watch by a predator.

Out of the corner of her eye she once again saw those group of people in a form of shadows.

Something that would hunt her for a long time.


Once they were tasked to write an essay whether they agree that all students should wear uniforms. At that time she strongly disagree because as someone whose family are financially unstable there are many times she had problem about uniforms.

But now...

The same question was once again put in front of her.

'All students should wear uniforms. Do you agree?'

Her breathing became unsteady as memory of the past came.

Her skin suddenly felt goosebumps specially her back as she felt like someone was looking at her. It was like those eyes are still following her. Why? Why is it like this? Is it a coincidence? Or is this paper m̶o̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ reminding her of her 'mistake' of not wearing uniform?

Her breaths continue to be unsteady as her eyes became blurred. Why is it like this? She thought she already get pass through this. So why? Why is the mere memory of that past making her like this!?

It ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑠.

Her hand grabbed the nearest pen as she started to write the answers.

Is her answer still the same in the past? No. It's no longer the same and will never be. It may be unreasonable but what even is 'reasonable'? People who blamed those victims even though they don't wear inappropriate clothes?

Tell me what is 'reasonable'?


I'm skimming through my works and found this. Kind a shocked honestly because i've forgotten about this (I wrote this last year). I wanted to share this so here it is. Tell me what you think !