

What is the biggest illusion we believed in till this date?Is it God? Or Time?

Time....I have always believed that we can travel through time...even dreamt many a times at night doing the same. It occurred to me most of the time that the reality we believe in could only be a possibility in millions. What if there is another reality with more benefits? A reality that offers a pathway to another spectrum of life??...a world beyond our own perceptions?? Fancy the thought which suggests the world being a dream of someone...the one who is everywhere. Even our cells which provide our physical reality could be part of it...many called him god. Many related him to a superior power which controls everything. If so...then who is he?? What about his origin? And most probably how????

Civilizations have designated god to be the only one who stands outside the concept of time...the one who is beyond the limitations of the dimensions. Since he ( prefer to call the person as male) is beyond the concept of birth and death...or more clearly....beyond the limitations of death...because...his existence instill the idea of his origin...which could be termed as his birth...but rest provokes us to think about his permanence...the very same thought diminishes the concept of death...so he could be termed as a person who is immortal...let’s look back in our own life...we are often forced to think that a mere change in our past could have altered the course of our life. What if we have that parallel reality within ourselves...all we need is a key to unlock the path way. A path way to the dark corners of our brain. Look around...you see millions of different life forms moving around. With a perfect design of reality that further paves their course of life....what if we can change that design?? A change that could alter our future and present.....modern scientist tends to believe past to be a more concrete concept because it cannot be altered...but what
If we can?

It’s possible. Because...what we call permanent or concrete is because of its presence or absence in a particular period of time...if that time. That moment is no more than the reality or the existence of thing also vanishes...or cease to exist....and the previous moment before the moment that has ceased to exist takes its course...and changes the cause and effects of the parallel reality which is now no more....this will also alter the present and future....if we can alter the past then we can alter the future also. Because future is probability...and the cause and effect of past and present could predict the possible reality of future. Which in turn can be altered using the same method

The platonic vision that behold the world as a reflection of a higher reality gains importance here...Plato suggested idea to be the ultimate reality. He argued that the world we live in to be unreal. It’s the reflection of a higher world parallelly co existing in time. Philosophers from all the ages have talked in detail about this. But often unclear and surrealistic in nature.

Time in its true sense being a continuum often slips through our mind because of its absurd nature. For we believe in concrete reality...but a little thought will undermine this belief. Even after the advancements in technology still we are ignorant about the origin of time. We have a lot of assumptions which hasn’t been proved right or wrong till to the date. And it’s in human psyche to develop fear for things for what they don’t know, the so called pioneers of our past, who vehemently addressed themselves as the advocates of God have made use of the same fear for their growth and aimed to keep a generation in darkness.
Revelation descended up on us when we started looking up at God as a source of energy not as a human figure endowed in humanlike attire or behavior. With this revolutionary concept we also started to question the momentary nature of our existence which is again bound to the concept of time. It still amuses me to consider human life as a journey between life and death, where death is described as the end of our physical reality. It’s quite strange, on one hand we asserts ourselves to be the creation of God and the other we degrade ourselves to be mortal whose end is the last outcome of his strenuous journey.
Myths like this have always influenced human lives in all the ages. Those who nourished on these ideas had their own shady plots to live in. It’s also curious to think that God, the all mighty is need of humans to save himself……….