

Never being afraid again.
Sometimes we move in a direction that seems right and at the end, we regret we shouldn't have taken such step.

Few years back, whilst in the University, it was a sunny afternoon after getting out of the library. i got a call from a friend (Philips) by name. i was told he had been involved in an Accident, which took the driver's live and another fellow passenger. apparently phillip was fine to have called me with his mobine phone. I had to call few friends, left what i was doing (which were important) we rushed down to the scene. To our greatest suprised, it was a prank played on us. I was shocked and it really got to me.

Anyways its my first time here, and i am happy to be here in this community. i look forward to reading and chatting with lot of you great writters, especially my friends from India ( a great Nation). Thank you . One love

Dare Felix
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