

Noel Burg
"Thank you MSr and Mr Burg. you won't regret hiring me "
" Thank you Alix so do you remember.....
"Yes MS burg Noel goes to sleep at 9:00 and she eats lunch at 12:00 and she eats dinner at 6:00. simple, now you guys have a great fishing trip I will take care of everything "
"Again we can't Thankyou enough Alix
"Bye now Mr and Mrs Burg"

Alix was not the most confident but she was going to do this ,she really wanted to get the new console brought out only a few weeks before ,and this was the only way to earn the money needs for it. So she turned around and saw a huge chandelier hanging on the roof and a stair case leading up to it.,there were two corridors parting the room . Alix started out towards the second one guessing Noel would be there ,she saw the TV Room which had the kitchen on the side to it and there was a staircase leading down to basement . "Ah her room must be in the basement "she thought and headed downstairs "Noel! " "Noel! " "are you there " Alix saw One room in the corridor downstairs "Noel! "

"Who is there "
"Ah ,Noel It's me Alix "
"Oh you are Alix My sitter ,You came here so you can get the new 264consol...."
"How do you.... anyway can I can come in Noel? "
"Well I guess so Alix"
As Alix entered the room she was amazed she saw a bed and a huge beanbag on the floor But most of all she saw many alien statues , beacors and all kinds of weird things scattered along the desk.
"So you are a big fan of aliens I see Noel "
"Don't touch anything Alix
it's very. ..delicate "
"Ok Missy, now come on let's go outside we ..
"Sorry I can't go I have to do my homework "said Noel worried .
"Oh OK then I can help you if you like ?"
"Oh no no its fine it's very easy.. Now if you don't mind I like to be alone when I Study "
"Um but I am supposed to supervise You"
"Well you should go and eat something you must be hungry ,The kitchen is right upstairs "
"But.. I guess you are right you just stay there an d behave OK Noel I will be right back "

Alix went upstairs realizing how hungry she was and went towards the fridge looked in she could see a can of yogurt and picked it up and went back downstairs "that girl is so weird I hope she is fine well I should check up on her "
As She walked towards the room she heard Wierd noises coming from the room she became very suspicious but decided to sneak to hear some thing more. "I will OK its fine I will be there tonight. .Yes yes that weird baby sitter is here but I will figure out something.... Nice idea I could spray her. .. well I will see you there bye.

Now Alix was kind of scared to go through the door where was that 6year old going, who was she talking to and,what does she mean by spray her.

"OK I have to go through "Her thought and opened the door.
