

Heather, The night we met
Heather you and your Mother had came by to talk with me and that was the night the that Antonio showed you around the bus and you asked him for my phone number... Baby you called a bit of time later and asked me if you could come over but you needed a ride so I sent Antonio to get you...Honey that is when it all started with you and I... Baby you spent the night but we just talked.
Just got home from Phoenix Arizona. From Fed. Court my Sentencing.. I'm at my Bus And here lying in my bed is my Beautiful Princess Heather.. As I sit down on the bed beside you Heather. I leaned over and kissed you you woke up and kissed me and we hugged for what seemed like forever.. and I told you what my Sentencing was I had to be back in Arizona.. to the fed. Prison by 30 December 2014. For one year and go-to a halfway house for one year and I can come home to you we made love and we made every minute count.. the night I left you was at the bus crying and I was on my way to Savannah/Hardin county Airport to fly to back.. I got 3 letters from you and 3 phone calls between January and February and that was it until I got a letter from your mother tell me that you had some serious head trauma and that you had lost almost a year of your life.. and that you didn't remember us or me at all.. it killed something inside of me.. Baby all I could think of was you and how I could get out of here.. but there wasn't anything I could do to come to you.. Heather I was married to Tabitha. When we was seeing each other I left her because she cheated on me and gave me the clap. I love you. Fort Leavenworth Kansas Federal prison. Today I getting released from prison and I'm being transported to a half way house for one year and I can go home to see if I can find Heather.. and see for myself if she can remember me..I haven't heard anything from my beautiful Princess.. in almost a year Baby your all that's kelp me strong enough to make it through It.. 30 January 2015. My P.O. officer is here to see me and she asked me do you remember our conversation about buying my ticket out of here and not getting into any trouble. I said yes the judge is letting you go home to find your girlfriend. You can leave now and I'll drive you home... Here is your release papers read and sign them. And get your things. I'm coming home to you my beautiful princess.
I'm at home in Tennessee. Went to the bus and you wasn't there.. So I : to see your mother and I knocked on the door and you answered it and you didn't know who I was.. I asked to see your mother and you showed me the way and as your mother and I talked you came into the room and you staired at me and said where do I know you from and I said I've been around. And I had to leave I'm sorry I did my love. I got into it with Tabitha and had a bad heart a tack and was airlifted to Jackson Tennessee JMCGH. Hospital where I stayed for two weeks.. and when I got out of the hospital Tabitha was there to drive me home I gave her a medical power of attorney and she had redone it and into a dual power of attorney that meant she was over everything.. she told me after I went to the bank there was nothing there that she had found everything about me and you and destroyed it off she even sold the bust of the land everything was down I had nothing left and it was nothing I could do because it was all legal.. Baby she cleaned me the fuck out.. all my proof for you to prove you that we did have something going on with gone.. honey I know it seems like a wild story but it really did happen.. we kept it really quite nobody knew except for your mother and you and I and Tabitha that bitches never going to admit it to you or me.. she said if she didn't have me no one else could..Heather I love you so much and still do that's why I'm so in love with you cuz it was real. sincerely Loyd DavisJr..