

Random Thought
What are Best Friends? Like really? I ask, cause I never understood the concept yet I am a part of it, in some way...Part of something that I always struggled understanding, it's the belief I have challenges with..But in my defense, the people who know me might respond to this by saying
" Rightfully so.."

For some the definition of best friends is the one who assumes the liberty of calling out your flaws to your face, in whatever manner they may see fit, according to them it's called "raw, unfiltered opinion". An insult no less sometimes and they expect them to be rewarded with the title of a "Best Friend"...! Some might even refer it as a "Genuine Concern" Well, what I learnt is one can never measure genuiness of a person and for simple reason..People Change..!

Boundaries! never understood and never taken seriously...Respect! never considered. These two are the most important elements to keep any relationship afloat...to begin with ofcourse..!
We loosing sight of these little things which have a larger than life impacts on people under the name of two big C's 'Care &Concern'

I don't support sugarcoating Bullshit but a lot of drama can be avoided if we would only respect people and their opinions.. We all have the talent to see ourselves through difficult conversations and if thats something we find challenging then the best way to go is to have the conversation in a manner where the big C's are highlighted and your speech nor your intentions are compromised...That works too you know...!!

© the little rebel