

Irene's story (Part 1)
There was a medical student, very smart and intellectually sound, she was beautiful and her curvy features were defined.
Irene was always teased for being short, a 5ft 4inch girl isn't so short but it was obvious because she hung around a taller circle. Her dress sense was also on a moderate tone, never too extra.
As great as she seemed, she was just getting out of her shell. An introvert during her early life, very prim and proper. We could say she is just sight seeing new sides of life.
Irene is generally confident and bold, she participated in heated debates during her high school years and anchored some programs as an health prefect.
During the summer holiday after her first year in the university, she was in love with a hottie named Antai, an accounting major student.
Although they weren't in the same institution, their love grew stronger and Irene was head over heels. He had a rebellious personality which was very much opposite from Irene, but then that's what makes him so exciting.
To be precise, Antai a tall, handsome brown skin guy, with built torso, thick neck, beardless, clean, athlete was into her. Over time Irene started to feel she wasn't good enough for him physically. Yes she was beautiful, but she felt threatened. This gorgeous guy could have any girl he wants but he chose to stay with screppy o'l me, she thought. They weren't actually dating, they were in a situationship. This made Irene even more worried that she might loose her love, she then summoned courage and asked for her place in his life...his response was good and they went on with their thing until...the pillars came crumbling down.
Antai was terrible in the area of communication, he would tell her he loves her and leave her hanging for days. No calls or text till about 4 or 5 days. whenever she tries to reach out he's busy or running errands for his mum. Of course everyone gets busy but it's only so much her weak heart could take. Eventually, he stopped calling and made it a once a month talk time. Heartbroken, Irene concludes he's moved on with another hot chick confirming her insecurities. She was sad for months, until she meets young post-graduate Matt. He is an Econ major with great brains, but with a rather conservative personality.
Matt declared his feelings for Irene just weeks after meeting her. Irene being a typical girl told him she'd give it a thought and respond after a week. Of course Matt was always calling and checking up but Irene was still heartbroken from the pain she had just been through with Antai.
After much thought, Irene turned down Matt's love, she wanted to heal properly she said.
Over time Matt and Irene developed a good communicative relationship, "as friends". although Matt still made his intention clear and Irene stylishly waved it off each time he brought it up. Until one day, she realised he actually is awesome. A loyal man, with proper attitude, really nice and considerate not to mention his looks an 8 outta 10.
Irene decided to take a shot with Matt after 4months of knowing each other but told him she was going to be in a phasic relationship; phase 1- the sync period, phase 2- the date button period. Phase 1 is to end after a year of understanding each other and phase 2 proceeds if the sync period is successful.
Well, it was a little extra but Irene was not willing to get her heart broken again...not this time.

© michelle_pen 🍁