

light and dark
light engulfed darkness in her arms slowly caressing it's hair. Darkness for the first time felt like it belonged some where it felt beautiful , loved and understood. Light danced with darkness the whole night moon shining brightly ,..the stars singing happily. Darkness held the lights hand and kissed it. It loved the bright, shiny sparkly ,light....beautiful ,calm composed , etheral most importantly how it glowed among other. How vibrant it was....Light stood up and guided Darkness to the ocean waves crashing tides rising. Light looked up at dark and whispered something in it's ears. Her words made no sense to dark but it smiled happily and again threw itself in her embrace. Both sat there , complete silence, just them no one else. The ocean playing beautiful melodies, the only voices of their soft whispers and giggles and how darkness beamed in the dark and got shy.They fell in their slumber only to be woken up by the shore . Sun beaming brightly .... light whispered slowly once again "I am sorry angel ".....
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