

The cancerous, leprosy of the soul is SIN✍.
SIN is the cancerous leprosy of the soul, all it takes for cleansing is broken confession at the foot of the cross for God's mercy and divine touch.

📍 And as leprosy separates a person from the public and from others, even from their loved ones, SO ALSO SIN SEPARATES US FROM GOD✍. Isaiah 59:2

As it takes total healing for a leprous person to come back to their loved ones, SO ALSO CONFESSION AND TRULY TURNING AWAY FROM WILLFUL SINNING WELCOMES GOD'S MERCY AND CLEANSING TO TURN BACK TO HIM THAT LOVES US. Revelation 1:5✍.

📍 Leprosy never gets healed without divine touch, so also our unconfessed sins, (yet by coming in brokenness, we will always find the great physician ready to cleanse us of every damnable soul-sickening malady).

Come now to the to the great physician (JESUS), you need him more than you realize✍.
© Christ♻InUs