

To the you I lost
I miss us.
As much as I try to deny it, it's true. I miss our laughs and fights. I miss out talks about everything, yet nothing at all. I miss your effortless attempts to make me smile even when I had no reason to. But most of all, I miss you.
It's funny really, how I thought you would always be a major character in my life, now you hardly play a part at all. And it hurts even more each time I think of you.
How could we let something so trivial break apart something so beautiful? Now all that's left of you are the memories which bring such sweet sorrow.
If you'd give me a chance, even the slightest, I'd take it. I'd hold unto it tight, and unto you even tighter. I've never been one to express my feelings openly but this time I'd try. I'd be the one to make the next move, to ignite the flame that once burned brightly and fiercely, to re-establish what we once shared.
Yet, these are all thoughts. Ones I might never have the courage to say because I yearn for what might be lost and never recovered. I reach out for what seems so close, yet is so far away. I dream of things that might never be. Believe me I've tried to forget, but it's impossible to.
And now as I sit here, all I can do is hope. Hope that one day we'd be together again, hope that you'd spare me the misery of the comfort of our memories, hope that you'd call and just say 'Hey'.
© Ese-Ose