

Oh Alexa
Alexa this Alexa that that's all I ever hear in this dumb school it's so annoying I mean yes I understand Alexa is one of the most beautiful girl in the whole school and yes I know shes the most popular and has the cutest boyfriend. But in this school there's also fun and outgoing people like me my name is Carla Jatt and this is my junior year here in Greenville highschool I'm in the school's band I think I'm pretty darn good at it but not even like that do I have friends. I mean I guess people judge you based on how you look and not how good of a person you are. I understand I'm not the cutest person ever like Alexa but not even one boy looks my way. Ok well only one boy does but Eww I don't like him he's a nerd I don't like nerds I like bad boys or at least jocks like Alexa's boyfriend he's the hottest here at Greenville. He's tall like 5,11 buff green eyes just wow. he's always walking with his crew he's like the leader he's also the quarterback of the team he gets so much respect and so does Alexa she has her little girls walking behind her laughing at her not funny jokes just to be in her good side just plain ridiculous in my perspective. I've known Alexa and Billy since middle school I had them for a class and I believe they were dating back then already but they were trying to hide it until our freshman year In high school. They've been cool since middle school both of them drive awesome sports cars there's rumors that Billy's parents own a few bars at downtown that's why he can afford his BMW and Alexa's parents I know for a fact own like 2 bakeries across town and the dad also has a security company so that's why Alexa gets to drive her Camaro to school. While I have to wait until my mom drops me of every morning in our mini van. It's not fair I want to be cool like Alexa and drive an awesome car and I want to date Billy but oh well life goes on at least I have a good sense of humor and my best and only friend Marie. Marie and I always go walking after school sometimes we have sleepovers her family knows me I know her family she's my favorite person in campus and well my worst person is Alexa I just hate what she has she has everything. Marie always gets mad at me because I always talk about Alexa and Billy but yet she's always intrigued about my stories about her almost every day I know something new about her. Marie even calls me obsessed with Alexa but I'm not. I just like to know what's she's doing I like to know how Alexa is in real life I know she lies here at school I know her boobs are not real she wears some kind of paper to make her boobs look bigger she fakes her attitude here at school she acts like if she's super cool and like if she doesn't care about what people think about her but in reality she's always complaining about her friends and boyfriend Billy to her mom I also know Alexa's dad told her to keep up the good grades or they were going to take her Camaro away haha that was funny. The only person I tell this stories is to Marie and not no one else but I will if Alexa ever tries to embarrass me in front of people or if I feel disrespected in any way by her but she doesn't even know I exist. I know a few more things about her that could end her days as the cool girl and make people laugh at her uncontrollably but nah I'm not ready for that I want her to be popular more so I can find out more stuff about her like I know she sleeps with the light on in her restroom and walk-in closet because she's afraid of the dark I know she has dolls on her room. And something that I hate about her is the way she talks to her parents she talks to them so gentle and respectful while in school she talks with so much authority and demands the complete opposite of her house she's ridiculous she's a little fake bitch I actually hate her like two days ago her parents bought her a huge teddy bear. like are you serious you're 17 years old and you still want a teddy bear "OMG" she's so annoying she always talks to Billy on the phone also and she's always doing her homework because her dad and mom told her the only way she can have a boyfriend is if she passes all her classes. Oh Alexa you're so overrated and now she's all happy because her dad told her if she passes the math test he will take her shopping for the weekend so I believe we get the results today but I think I should stop going to her house at night because her dad upgraded the security cameras and one of these days the ceiling might break and the windows are to risky she might see me!!