

I have a question
I have a question to ask you

I heard a phone call between a a boy, a cowardly, boy who slaughtered 10 unarmed people babies children women and men .

This ( I have no words for what he is because it can not be human) monster was so proud of himself that he was bragging. Now being apart of wars and seeing aftermaths of war I understand warriors and casualties that is war.
This I don’t understand why someone and their family would be proud of murders of unarmed babies children and women and children?

They do this in the name of Allah the name of God . Is this what the twist leaders of their sect teaches because it is not the teaching of the Koran nor the rest of the Muslin world except for a few sick leaders

This bothered me but no more than the mother and father cheering it on. Innmy eyes they are just as guilty and should be held accountable because it seems they are the ones who twisted the religious beliefs.

God no matter what name you call Him has never called for the death of innocent. Never Babies nor children never

I also saw the video of these so called soldiers dragging dead women around after they raped and killed them . Pictures of babies beheaded other babies in ovens. Please tell me where in the Koran does this appear .

Allah is a loving Father he does not approve of this killing of innocent period

Please comment on this matter and let me know what I am missing and why in America and all the other countries that this is ok because these innocent babies and children and women are Jewish

Where and in what holy book does it state that killing Jewish people is ok or killing any innocent persons is ok please help me understand the ignorance being displayed through the media and the world

© Robert prezioso